Insanity (2)

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Requested by: @IcelandAndFridge

Insane!Reader X Levi

Part two


Deep clouds

Paint over the okno

Extinguish the light

To surpass the nightmares

I wrap my sharf around me

And I begin to move

Levi ripped her earphones away from her, causing her to stop singing. With [e/c] eyes without light she turned towards him,"What is it?" "Would you stop listening to songs and for once listen to me!?"

They were now in a guest room, Levi's house. Levi had someone with him, hopefully to help with [y/n]'s condition. He took away her song player and stepped aside. "Hanji, this was who I was talking about."

Do svidanija

For now, still...

Ne ponimaju

Do svidanija

To the darkness far away...

To tempt you to the greatest silence

A flower is blooming!

Chant for it!

It had been weeks since Hanji's first visit. One day she asked,"What song is it you always listen to?" [y/n] said,"Would you like to listen to it?" The brunette nodded, and took one side of the earphone offered to her.

And so [y/n] started to sing.

Gore ne more, vypesh' do dna

Hanji realised she had a beautiful voice, but sadly her mind was not in the right condition. But she continued listening.

In the violently blowing snow

The luna is hidden away

Cowering from the wind

Instincts awoken

My vorona is called

And I begin to move...!

"[y/n]! Hanji! Be quick!" Levi's voice stopped her from singing and Hanji turned,"What's wrong?" He panted as he struggled to say the words,"The... Mental... Asylum..." [y/n]'s eyes widened as she shouted,"Don't bring me there! Please don't!"

Levi quickly went to her side, hugging her and stroking her hair,"Calm down. I would never bring you there. Which is why I'm going to bring you somewhere else."

Do svidanija

From here on...

Ne ponimaju

Do svidanija

Shaken free of emotions

So I may seek the origin of good and evil

I am changing! And so,

On to the deep world

They were now staying at Hanji's, doors and windows locked, curtains drawn. Hanji concluded that someone wanted [y/n] gone, and contacted the mental institution. Meanwhile, both Levi and Hanji thought of many ways to cure [y/n]'s insanity. All the while she continued singing the same song.

Do svidanija

For now, still...

Ne ponimaju

Do svidanija

To the darkness far away...

To tempt you to the greatest silence

A flower is blooming!

Come now! Chant!

Hanji even started having Moblit over, who in a way was helpful. While he thought of possibilities, he stayed by [y/n]'s side and sketched with her.

But most of the time, Levi would spent time with her, saying words he hoped would calm her down whenever Hanji reported people from the asylum seeking for her. He never thought he would say those words.


Until the day, someday, we see fair weather


So that we may be prepared

To face the night and the confusion of emotions


Chant strongly for it!

About 5 months after Levi found her insane, Hanji said triumphantly,"I know what we can do!" Her sudden voice woke Moblit up.

She turned her laptop towards Levi and pressed play. He raised an eyebrow and looked irritated as the song played on,"What kind of song is that?" "That doesn't matter. What matters is that I need you to sing that to [y/n]!"

"You want me, to sing that?" he asked, with a hint of disgust in his voice. She shoved a paper into his face and said,"Just do it! Don't you want [y/n] back to normal?" He thought back when he saw her sketching in her room, unlike her usual cheerful self. He nodded.

He went into the room she accommodated, and slowly took off her earphones. She turned towards him with a creepy smile,"What is it, Levi?" He took a chair and sat on it, the paper held in front of him. He took a deep breath and started singing.

Even Swan Lake freezes over

Even in the cold I'm enduring

There's hills blooming with sunflowers too

They say this region is "tsundere"

But it's "tundra"

My character isn't completely clear-cut

An enigma, and they're terrified

The Cossack dance is famous, right?

Without ever using their hands, they just kick

You're a bully, coming up from behind, bash-bash-bash

Before he continued, [y/n] placed a hand on his. She giggled,"Stop it. You're singing out of tune."


A/N: guys you're killing me with second parts XD I needa rack my brain all the time!

Anyway, I hope this was satisfactory!

And for the one who requested the second part of Promise me Forever, please endure with meh! I'm still trying to write it! And do request! I just finished my first monthly exam so although I should be focusing only putting together my No Name!Levi cosplay and also making anime key chains, I'll be right here ready to complete your requests! Just no lemon. I don't write lemon. My mom would find out. And she'll take away mah phone forever if she found out. So please, don't request lemon. Or I'll feel guilty.

Ciao and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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