To Fall in Love (Part 2)

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Luckily, [y/n] had not noticed Levi's mutter of the orange-haired girl's name. She herself tried not to look shocked as well. "So, here's Auruo, Eld, Gunther, and Petra! I've known them since like, forever!" [y/n] said, introducing the four with her.

They waved respectively. "Yeah... The name's Levi." he introduced himself. [y/n] grabbed his hand and started dragging him to the theatre,"There's an Italian musical later! Hope you like classical!"


Levi glanced at Petra, who sat at the other side of [y/n]. She was a fellow demon as well, whom he knew for the longest time. Years ago, she was sick of Levi she left for the human world. He never saw her, at least until now.

He was starting to fall asleep listening to the musical.

Fortunately, it ended before he dozed off. "Going for all these really helps me de-stress!" [y/n] said, standing up while stretching her back. Eld joked,"If you're trying to get us sleepy all the time, I'm stopping this!" The rest laughed, except for Levi. He managed to catch Petra looking at him, who looked happy but her eyes said otherwise.

Petra, are you disappointed in me?


[y/n] waved goodbye to the four as they walked away. "So, I'm thinking of going to the bookstore with you. Y'know, some alone time with you." she said, scratching her neck while avoiding Levi's gaze. He only nodded, later following her as she led the way.

It was a small bookstore facing the street, and looked as if it had been there for years. It gave a nostalgic aura, reminding Levi of the days when he was just a young demon. [y/n] greeted the owner inside, looking as old as the bookstore itself. His balding hair and beard were completely white, not a grey in sight. Levi greeted as well when [y/n] introduced him as Mr Smith.

Levi followed [y/n] through the maze-like shelves, noting how she kept looking through books with a classic title. Black Beauty, Robinson Crusoe, Oliver Twist, Moby Dick. Those were few of the famous ones. "Want to know why I remember the script to Romeo and Juliet?" she said, eager to tell the answer. He replied,"Because you watched it thousands of times and you never got sick of it?" She giggled,"No! Look, it's the original script, a copy of Shakespeare's work." She held up a stack of yellowed papers clipped together with a big paper clipper. "How did the owner acquire it?" he asked, his interest piqued. He was curious. Never before had he wanted to know more.

"It's only a copy, one of the many he managed to buy from an antique shop." she explained. She slowly placed it back where it was before as she said softly,"I wish one day I can be part of a Romeo and Juliet play. It would mean so much to me."

Later on, she bought an old hardcover book with the title 'Black Beauty' written in golden lettering. "I read this story as a kid, but I lost the book. It's so good to have one to replace it." she said, hugging the book to her chest. "What happened to it?" Levi asked. [y/n]'s smile faded as she stopped in her tracks. He raised an eyebrow as he walked backwards to look at her properly,"What's wrong?" "... Nothing. It's just that... I lost that book in a fire."


It wasn't right. He shouldn't be feeling this way. He shouldn't even think about it. But it was challenging. He couldn't control his feelings. "Maybe I should stop seeing her for awhile." he told himself, but he felt a small pain in his heart at the thought of not seeing [y/n].

He ruffled his own hair roughly, his hands bumping into his horns constantly. He kept sighing loudly in anger, his legs shaking vigorously. He huffed finally, slowly calming down.

"I need to see her. But this isn't right. A demon should never be with a human."


He went to the cafe, hugging his scarf to his neck. The winter seemed to be getting colder, and to Levi, he felt something off.

He entered the said cafe, slightly glad for the warmth. He almost thought his ears would fall off! He stepped in queue, which was quite long. He peered to the side, and he felt happy seeing that she was working.

After the long agonising time of waiting, he finally got his order. Written on his coaster was a message from her, telling him to wait for her shift to end. At least he needn't wait that long.

"Sorry, I've got overtime. Next time, k?" she said, after nearly half an hour of waiting. He managed a fake smile,"It's okay." At least he got to see her.

In the end, he decided to just stroll through the streets. But he didn't like the way the wind was strong and cold, he almost worried that he would be flown away. But of course that was impossible.

"I see that you've stop your ways."

Levi whipped his head to where he heard that, and saw a man clad in winter clothes the only obvious thing he saw was blond hair. He gave a curt nod,"Erwin." "Levi."

"I haven't seen you in years. Last I saw you, you were much shorter than me." Levi noted. Erwin chuckled,"That is because you do not grow the way humans do." The taller man walked towards Levi until he could see his sharp grey eyes. "Tell me, Erwin. Why are you here?"

"To prevent you from causing an apocalypse."


A/N: you know what? Three parts. I've got too many ideas.

And there's something I want to say about Petra. This is her second appearance in this entire... Book? In her first, I read a lot of comments that she 'blocks the relationship' along the lines of that. That, is not why I added her in. I see her as someone Levi would be close with in real life, but not as close as Isabel and Farlan is to Levi. Levi probably sees Petra as an equal, like Eld, Gunther and Auruo. Seriously, I did not put her there to create a love triangle. I put her in as a part of Levi's life. And please, no bashing on characters. I love Petra.

I just do not want any misconceptions about my stories or any bashing on characters.

So, ciao and see you in the next one-shot. Part 3 is up next.

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