To Fall In Love (Part 5)

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"This bikini is perfect on you!" Petra said for the 8th time in the past hour. [y/n] shook her head,"It's too revealing!"

The group agreed for Erwin to come along, although Levi seemed a little reluctant. [y/n] was yet to know the two knew each other for a very long time, so she was confused when Levi had an annoyed expression on his face when she told him Erwin was coming along.

And so, Petra brought [y/n] to the mall for some shopping, particularly the bikinis. And [y/n] wasn't cooperating. "Can't I just wear something that won't... Well, show this!" she whispered harshly, gesturing to her chest. "Oh please it'll be fine!" Petra snorted, shoving the bikini into [y/n]'s hands,"You've got to make an impression on Levi."

"Well, he'll not be the only one."

"... You know what? You've got a point."


She wore a shirt and shorts over her swimsuit, stepping out of the small car Petra owned. "Decent crowd, cool breeze, clouds overhead. It's perfect!" Petra noted, getting out of the driver's seat. [y/n] nodded as she took a deep breath. Within seconds she saw another car pull in, and at the driver seat was Eld. She could see the others in the car, but she wondered where Levi and Erwin was. Did Levi even had a car? For the entire story, he seemed to walk most of the time.

She stretched her limbs, at which her shirt rode up a bit. Eld rolled down the window,"Be careful of perverts, [y/n]!" "Shut up!"

As the group chatted away while waiting for two more people to arrive, another car pulled into the parking lot. And out stepped Levi and Erwin.

"Levi!" [y/n] greeted loudly as she waved. The raven-haired male waved back as he went towards the group with Erwin behind him. "Hey."


As Petra sunbathed under the sun and [y/n] played in the water wearing a two-piece swimsuit, Levi had seated himself underneath a large parasol, not really intending to be out in the sun. He would very much prefer to keep his somewhat fair complexion.

Erwin sat next to Levi, and started making conversation,"I've been thinking, Levi. Maybe it will work out." "What?" the shorter male asked, making sure he didn't hear wrongly. Erwin repeated,"Maybe your relationship will work out."

"I'm curious. Why, before this, do you insist I stay away from her?"

Erwin looked at the female who laughed as she splashed seawater towards Eld and Gunther. He then replied,"I don't want her to end up... Devastated if she ever finds out who you really are."

"I'll respect her decision. It also seems that Petra had not told her about me, which may be a good thing."

"If that's what you say."


"Levi! Look! I found a starfish!" [y/n] shouted from the edge of the ocean, waving her arms to get Levi's attention. He grunted and got up from his comfortable seat underneath the shade, and walked towards the female who had this overexcited look on her face. "Whadaya think!?" [y/n] asked rather loudly, attracting the attention of those around her. Levi shrugged,"Okay I guess..." He frowned when he noticed some men looking at [y/n], who wore a batik-style cloth wrapped around her waist and a simple two-piece swimsuit that didn't expose a lot of her chest and butt. The batik came along some time after playing in the water.

Giving a sideways glare to anyone who dared ogle at her, Levi pulled [y/n] towards himself, wrapped his arm around her and kissed her.

[y/n] was shocked, but got over it and kissed Levi back. She placed her hands on Levi's cheeks, savouring the moment. He pulled away after some seconds, and pressed his forehead on hers,"A kiss shared by the beach, what else is needed to complete it?" [y/n] smiled,"A simple 'I love you' would make this perfect."

"I love you, it is then."


Petra shoved her phone in front of [y/n]'s face, squealing like a typical fangirl,"That. Was. So. Cute!!" The [h/c]head pulled away so that she could see what Petra was trying to show her, and saw a photo of Levi and her kissing, the lighting just... Making it so beautiful.

"You're in for an amazing relationship, I tell ya!" Petra said, and was about to put away her phone when Levi placed his arm over [y/n]'s shoulders and pressed a kiss on her cheek.

"Yeee! The ship has sailed!"

"Would you shut up now?" Levi asked, clearly annoyed by the female's fangirl tendencies. Petra giggled,"I will. Now, I just can't wait for the wedding."

"That escalated quickly."


For now, it was a happy ending. The friends enjoyed their time together, and a new chapter for the new couple. Perhaps it wasn't accidental, for Levi the demon, to fall in love with a human.

What sort of love do they call this? Who can say? But it truly isn't some Romeo and Juliet logic.

For now I end this very story, and allow you all to decide, whether this will turn into a fully fledged story, with the ending the author desired to write.


A/N: are you proud of me for finally ending this?

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