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Reader X Reiner


He was simply another man at the gym you always go. And damn, he's annoying.

You always see him with a tall boy and a short girl. And he's pretty much the between height. And how could you say? He's a bit flirty. At you. Which was why you deemed him annoying.

"Hey, [y/n], care to join lunch with me?" He asked. You answered while running on the treadmill,"Reiner, once again my answer is no."

He ran a hand through his hair,"Come on! This is the sixth time you said no already this week!" You stopped and glared at him,"Third time today. And I'll always say no."

His tall friend, Bertholdt as you recalled, came to him,"Reiner. Annie's impatient already. Come on." The blond sighed,"See you around, [y/n]." And he left.

Once he was gone you collected back your bag in the locker and went out. You decided to just head home, annoyed as always.

When you reached home, you found a single letter in your bag. Thinking it was from Reiner, you opened it. In fact, it came from Bertholdt.

I apologize in behalf of Reiner. I know he's annoying but that's how he is. One day, just for one day. Go out with him. Maybe you won't think the same way after?



You sighed. Maybe Reiner was the one who asked Bertholdt to write this. You shrugged and thought maybe to give him a try. Although your previous attempts with boys always failed.

The next day you went to the gym and saw him again. He came up to you and asked,"[y/n], will you go out for lunch with me?"

You hesitated but nodded. He grinned,"Wait for me later I'll bring you there."

Maybe, just maybe, you could give him a chance and maybe you could love again. Who knows?


A/N: so how was this one? Wrote this like 5 in the freakin morning! Anyway, still taking requests!

(the above chapter is written in me own imagination. No requests needed for this one)

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