A/N No. 2

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I've been on hiatus for a long time, as I'm currently dealing with college and personal problems. I do miss writing, but I haven't really been serious about it because I'm lacking motivation to do anything in general.

I'm not closing off this collection. I'll still write, but not like before. I want to give the best. I'm really glad that there are tons of reads, votes and comments. I'm already happy with this milestone. If you have been around since the beginnings of this collection, I thank you for staying around until now. It's been a good... Three, four years?

Nevertheless, I'm still around. I will no longer be accepting requests, but I may open back the request box sometime in the near future. For now, enjoy my one piece which have been written in advance, and I'll complete the few which I can't bring myself to delete. There's no telling when I'll update again, but who knows?

My other fics are also put on hiatus, as I've ran out of ideas. (some may be deleted if the lack of ideas continues)

For now, I'll see you again in the next one-shot.

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