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Reader X Marco


You study in an art college even though your skills aren't satisfactory. The only reason you did was that you have a liking to Marco Bodt. You've liked him since high school.

You knew he was a great artist and so you started art as a hobby. But despite many practices, your score in art has always been low. But you still enrolled in the art college same as Marco.

Several months later, you decided to confess. It was a Tuesday, and you were heading home. Marco was walking ahead, his art stuff in a bag. You called out,"Marco?" He turned around,"Yes, [y/n]?"

You walked and stopped in front of him. Your face reddened as you were about to say what you've always wanted. "Marco. I just have to say... Um..." He just looked at you, curious.

You faced the ground, your hands gripping on your shirt. "If there's nothing, I'll get going." He said. You said,"Wait, please!" He stopped.

You finally gathered the courage and said,"I-I like you!" Marco just stared at you. You looked at him, waiting for an answer. But he didn't say anything. He just walked away. But you did see something in his eyes. Sadness.

The next day after classes you confessed again. But once again he gave no answer. A month passed. And you angrily said,"Why didn't you give me any answer! I've been telling you my feelings for a month!"

His voice came out low,"I...." You turned away,"Ugh... I don't even know why I'm doing this."

The next day you were in class with the instructions to draw a portrait. You could hear the lecturer praising Marco. When the lecturer came to you, he pointed out your mistakes.

When it ended, your friend, Jean told you,"You know it's his last day here isn't it?" You thought to yourself, He's going to a better college right? Might as well give up.

Jean said,"Well, Marco's condition isn't that healthy." You stared at him,"What?" When he told you the details, you ran out in search of Marco. Jean's words echoed in your mind.

I heard he's going to get surgery because he has chronic disease. I don't know much, but he might be gone. Forever.

You found Marco walking the same way back home. And you shouted,"Why didn't you tell me!?" The freckled boy turned,"[y/n]?"

You panted,"Why?" Marco smiled weakly,"[y/n], I've always watched you. You wanted to learn art although you knew you can't. You know, I'm happy to have known you."

You took out the canvas from earlier and showed him,"Look, this was what I did!" It was supposed to be a portrait of Marco but it didn't turn out well. Marco laughed behind his hand. You said,"Hey! Don't laugh!"

You took it back and said,"Look. When you come back. I'm gonna be better than you! Just you wait." And you saw for the first and last time, his genuine smile.

Two years later, you graduated and worked at a visual arts company. You were well trusted by your superiors and respected by your juniors.

At your house, came a knock. You opened to see a postman, and he said,"Miss [y/n]? There's a package for you. We're sorry but this was delayed." You took it and went back in.

You took off your glasses and looked closely at the date while using a penknife to open up the package. It's been delayed for two years. I wonder who sent this? You thought to yourself.

When you opened it, you couldn't stop the tears from falling. It was a portrait of you, signed by Marco. A letter dropped out. You read the letter and recognized it as Marco's handwriting.

Dear [y/n],

When this reaches you, you'll know that I'm gone. I could never be more happy to have known you. I knew that I never replied to your feelings, but in truth, I love you. But I couldn't return your feelings for I knew my days were numbered. So live on, [y/n]. Live on for me.




A/N: so how you guys think? I'll be taking requests! ^w^

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