Paint Them Red [Part 2]

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Gender neutral!Reader X AoT main cast

Part 2: Bloody Encounters

Warning(s): violence, slight gore.


The silence beckoned for many thoughts, the insomnia keeping them awake as they pondered their capability to keep the thirst at bay. They managed not to spill any innocent blood, but the urge grew stronger day by day.

Every time they held a knife, sharpened and shining, the need to paint red arose. Sometimes their hand would shake, a mental battle taking place while they attempted to stay within reality. Few colleagues asked, and even Levi adviced that [y/n] took rest; he assumed that they were overworking themself, as they had always done since day one.

The darkness curled in the corners of the room, the low ceiling giving no sense of comfort. The faint red hue still lurked in [y/n] eyesight. They must do something before they lose themself to primal sense;if just to protect their safe place. [y/n] stood up from the thin mattress, looking out the window that overlooked the street and opposite building. The night's silence was broken through by what seemed like chattering, a group of rowdy men who also seemed drunken. A single lamppost illuminated the party. Some held beer bottles, and one had his arm resting on another's shoulder. [y/n] could not hear their discussion, but the vibe they gave off was unpleasant.

They slipped on an old jacket and wore a medical mask they bought from a pharmacy. Then, a pair of latex gloves. They put on a cap which held no design, only a black tone. They held up a kitchen knife, also bought legally. It glistened barely, as it was a new moon night. The lack of light would assist them well.


Historia Reiss kept her cardigan wrapped tightly around her small frame, the cold winds a strong foe against the thin fabric. Her girlfriend, Ymir, would usually accompany her back home this late, but the said woman was working overtime and Historia was left to return on her own. She was anxious, scared even without someone she could trust. She feared a number of things, and one of them was right in the path she was taking.

Several men together, with large grinning faces and hands holding liquor. They were clearly drunk, and no doubt Historia felt that she was in danger. One of them took notice of her, and started catcalling. Whistles followed.

Historia attempted to walk past them, but someone took grab of her arm.

"Hah, your arm is so small!"

To no avail, she tried to get out of his grip. He was about to pull her in when a quick motion sliced off two of his fingers on his other hand. He released her, and he staggered backwards as his drunken mind tried to make sense of what was happening.

Historia was confused as well, when a figure stood out from the shadows, knife in hand. Blood dripped down the sharp side of the blade, the tip pointed towards the offender. The assailant grabbed her shoulder and pushed her away with little force, saying, "Run, before the streets are painted red."

She did, taking off towards the nearest police station.


"Hey!" another of the group called out, about to chase after the blonde female when [y/n] stepped in front of him, knife digging into his gut. His own momentum pushed his body into the weapon, [y/n] requiring strength only to keep themself from being pushed backwards. He spat out blood, now stopped in his tracks as his brain registered the pain that ruptured through his abdomen.

[y/n] pulled out the knife and advanced towards their next victim. This time they finished off Two Fingers, the man they attacked earlier to save the woman. Twisting the knife so that the tip pointed downwards and the edge outwards, [y/n] slashed at his chest before stabbing at his heart.

At this point, the four others snapped into action, all in silent agreement to reprimand the being that had already assaulted two of their friends. Grief would be set aside for later moments, if they survive this encounter. The burliest of the quad lunged at [y/n], who leaned away from his reach and ducked underneath his arms.

They sliced at his side, near towards the hip in hopes it would stun him momentarily. Perhaps not deep enough to reach an internal organ, but enough to cause significant pain. But of course taking adrenaline into consideration, [y/n] had their own to keep dancing with these drunkards.

They took on the next person, grabbing his neck with their free hand and stabbing just above the sternum, the knife pointed upwards. The victim choked on his own blood, and would soon die of drowning as the liquid flooded his lungs. [y/n] dropped him to the ground, and another took his place by wrapping his arms at their neck, performing a headlock.

Sadly, it was not a good move against an opponent holding a weapon. [y/n] sliced at his wrist, the knife close to slicing through the joint. The man had no choice but to release the lock, [y/n] turning around to completely rip off the hand. They had raised the blade high, the other hand holding tightly onto his arm and they brought it down on the right spot.

The severed limb was forced into the owner's mouth, silencing him as [y/n] pushed their weapon into his abdomen, stabbing multiple times.

Burly had already snapped out of shock, and grabbed [y/n] only to punch their face, causing them to stagger. In that short moment, he saw blood dripping from a grinning mouth. In the next moment, a knife was in his left ear, severing his hearing; but a dead man would not need it as the same spot was stabbed again and again.

There was one last person to deal with, who stayed out of the fight with fists barely holding together and knees threatening to fall to the ground.

"You look like you're about to piss yourself." [y/n] taunted, and the scrawny male yelped. A stain formed at his crotch, which [y/n] laughed at.

"I thank you all for providing me enough entertainment to last a long while." They walked towards Piss Pants slowly, spinning the blade once, twice, thrice; his sight was filled with a bloody stream pouring out from his neck before he saw the fourth spin.


Flashing lights of blue and red shined through the sleepy neighbourhood, sirens waking its residents from their short-lived slumber with few checking out the commotion. Paramedics attempted to revive the victims, but most of them suffered grave wounds. One man, who was missing two fingers, was barely hanging onto life as his bleeding continued despite the medics' best efforts. Blood still poured out from his mouth as he was brought into an ambulance, the vehicle soon rushing towards the hospital.

Historia stood at the edge of the closed-off scene, a uniformed officer beside her. "I," she started, shaking her head. "I wasn't fast enough. He just killed them all without mercy."

"Miss, I need you to come with me back to the station. We-"

"I could've stopped him. He told me to run, and I did."

The officer sighed, "It's possible he would've killed you as well."

"I could've prevented more lives from being lost."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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