Another Dawn

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Reader X Marco


Another dawn another day. Which meant you're a day closer to your death. When the dusk arrived cower in fear because the night took all your light away.

You're too scared to have friends. The older ones would insult you, but wouldn't throw a punch. Yet.

Your classmates gossip about you. All fake rumors.

All you wanted to do was die. You never cut yourself. Just because your parents watch you like a hawk.

Another day you went to school, the whispers all about you. Why? Nobody knew. Some idiot started it and now it's just what they call a 'trend'.

You were getting your stuff from your locker when someone slammed it. You could tell it was Reiner.

"Hey, there. Do you remember what I told you yesterday?" He asked. I didn't turn. You didn't flinch. You didn't move. But you knew what he was talking about.

He grabbed a handful of your [h/c] hair and made you face him. He growled at you,"Talk, you mute." You hated talking. If you did, they'll whisper more.

A moment later he threw you to the ground, mumbling,"Idiotic nerd..." You weren't a nerd. You just loved reading because you could escape reality even for just a little while.

He walked away with a tall brunet and a short blonde. You pulled your legs to your chest, knowing people around you will ignore you just like always.

"Are you okay?"

You looked up. A boy with freckles and black hair held out his hand to you. You hesitated to take it.

But you did. He helped you stand and said,"He's being a jerk. Ignore him." You spoke no louder than a whisper,"Reiner?" He nodded,"If there's anything you need, you can talk to me." You simply nodded.

A few months later you grew closer to the freckled boy named Marco. He was your protector. Slowly in your heart feelings start to develop. But you were oblivious to it until one day.

"Hey, [y/n]?" He asked. You responded,"Ja?" Somehow you liked to tease him in German. "I gotta tell you something." You looked at him,"What is it?" You leaned against the tree behind you, glad for the shade since that day was very sunny.

He fiddled with the wrapping of his food, which has already finished. He bit his bottom lip and said,"You know that they say someone has a crush on me?" You nodded.

"It's true. That person is someone I admired before." You felt hurt and jealousy for no reason apparent to you.

"But there's someone else I liked." "Who?" You asked.

He raised a hand and caressed you cheek, making you blush ever so slightly. "[y/n][l/n]."

A smile crept to your lips. You replied,"I love you too, Marco."

Everyday came a new dawn. And that dawn came happiness. And every night you won't cower in fear for you knew the next day the light will come back.


A/N: I love Marco so much ;w;

Anyway, i need requests!! This one wasn't requested so yeah lolz.

*runs off*

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