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Male!Reader X Sasha


Sasha Braus was what they call a cooking champion. She had such talent she was considered unbeatable. Until you came in the picture.

You started working at the same restaurant as Sasha, you as a junior cook while she as the head chef. After several months of working, you challenged her. Why? Because in that several months your cooking was complimented by many and you were promoted to senior chef.

That's when you challenged Sasha. Both of you bet with your jobs. If you lose, you are not to work again at the same restaurant. If she loses, both of your positions will be switched. To her, it's a huge bet since she has been working at the same place for about 3 years.

The cook-off was by the next week after you challenged her. She was supported by most of the staff. By your side you only had Jean, who was the only other person who has defeated Sasha.

He helped you and gave you tips from his own experience from 2 years he has been working as a chef at the restaurant.

Finally the day came, and the judges? Levi, Erwin and Mike.

Sasha presented her cooking first, and I leave to the readers to imagine it, since even I am unable to name it. It was her best, and the most demanded dish at the restaurant.

All three judges tasted it and wrote down their comments and critiques on a piece of paper given to then earlier.

Soon it was your turn, you were nervous as you presented yours. It was a simple French dish, one of your favourites. You remembered what Jean said,"It doesn't matter what people think. As long as you've put your heart it in and that you've done your best. All the best for you, [m/n]."

After tasting it they did the same by writing down. Eren(junior chef) took all the papers and read them, whispering in Armin's(assistant manager) ear.

The blond announced,"The winner of this cook-off is... Sasha Brauss." You looked at him in shocked as Sasha celebrated happily with Connie. You were unable to say a word, and knew your job is gone.

As Erwin was about to say something Sasha said,"I ask that [m/n] does not lose his job." But you retorted,"Are you rubbing in my face that I lost?" She shook your head,"By smell I could tell your dish was great. What I ask is that you become my student."

You had no choice but to agree because Erwin agreed to her very much. Levi and Mike only nodded.

And so she was your mentor. Somehow everytime Jean saw both of you together, and you would look at his direction, he would give you a smirk.

You knew the reason behind those smirks one normal day.

It was closing time of the restaurant, and you were cleaning up a few thing before you head home. "[m/n]?" You jumped because only moments ago it was eerily quiet. You turned to see Sasha,"What the hell was that for!?" She said,"I just want to speak with you of something."

You put the broom back in its respective place — Levi's rule #42: last person to leave must clean the kitchen — then faced her,"What is it? I want to be back home as fast as possible." You noticed she was shuffling her feet, which was unusual.

She started putting her two index fingers together as she said,"Well, [m/n]... I..." "Just say it." You were half-expecting what she was about to say but you hoped it wasn't at the same time.

"I really like you!!"

You blinked a few times. Your rival/mentor just confessed to you and you were trying to comprehend what you just heard.

"If you don't feel the same, I understand. After all, I've beaten you that day."

She turned away when you didn't say anything. She said,"Come on Connie." You were quite shocked when Connie came out of his hiding place. You sweatdropped when he said,"Don't be sad! Let's cheer you up with potatoes!"

When they left you went to retrieve your belongings and as you did, you thought of her confession. And also:

Do I feel the same way towards Sasha?

Your answer? You had none. You sighed and went to the front doors, locking it. You went to your motorcycle and started it up, then you head towards your house.

The next morning you went for work extra early, hoping to be at the restaurant early so that you could prepare for customers to come in order to distract yourself. Levi's rule #31: The first to arrive is to prepare the tables for customers. And make sure they're spotless clean.

You thought you were the first to arrive. How wrong you were when you saw the doors already unlocked and there were the sounds of cooking coming from the kitchen.

You saw Sasha practising, and she didn't noticed you entering. You startled her by saying only one thing,"Oi." She turned down the fire and faced you,"Good morning, [m/n]." She had a sad smile on her face.

You, being taller than her, placed a hand on her head,"Why the sudden confession last night?" She looked away,"It just... Happened. I just felt that way towards you..."

You bit your lower lip before you said,"I'm not sure of how I feel towards you, but maybe one day we'll work out well." The expression on her face took a U-turn as she asked,"Really!?" Seeing her like that made you blush a bit,"I-I said maybe!"

She hugged you,"I can assure, it will happen!" She emphasised the 'will' with her voice, showing her determination.

Who knows? Maybe one day you two will be married.


A/N: sorry for not updating for quite some time :P but anyway, I would like to wish all you readers a Happy New Year!

There won't be a special sadly for this occasion. But anyway, I've got a request! I'll update as soon as I can! Meanwhile, if you're a fan of Riren, I have a fanfic that's still ongoing at the moment called Through Her Eyes.

Ciao I'll see you in the next one-shot!

Sasha: Wait for me!!

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