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Reader X Mike


"Stop." You said, trying to focus on your game.

You were a working woman, but during the weekends you would play video games. This time, you were playing at your friend's house. And that friend happened to be Mike. You borrowed his laptop since he had downloaded that new game you wanted to try out but you haven't.

While you were about to win the game, you told him again,"Please stop." You returned to your game, but shouted when a jumpscare appeared.

"What the literal f*ck is that!?"

The screen turned black and the bloody words 'Game Over' slowly appeared. You were on the verge of flipping the table, and said,"This is all your fault, Mike! I nearly won it!" You faced him, who was standing behind you.

"All your sniffing distracted me!"

"I haven't even played it yet."

"Fine, you play it! I even don't know how to win this game!"

You stood up to get a drink, and when you returned, he was quite into the game. You watched him move the avatar from room to room, looking for the item. Once the antagonist of the game, No-Face, nearly got him, but he managed to escape.

You sighed. The maze itself was seriously frustrating. You can't even guess when the maze would follow exactly the map given. You wondered how Mike could still be calm while playing it. It was a fairly new game, and there were not many reviews. So far, the only reviews were from Christa, Ymir and Eren.

You finished your drink, then when you looked back, you were speechless. Mike had won the game and his score was quite high. And it was his first time playing. "H-How?" you stuttered, pointing at the screen.

"It wasn't hard."


"I actually know the creator of the game. She told me tips on how to win the game."


You stomped over to the couch, and crossed your arms the moment your butt touched the leather. You huffed in annoyance and anger that you weren't able to win even after several tries but Mike won on his first. The game itself looked hard, but to Mike it seemed he was already a professional at playing it.

Mike came over to you and sat next to you, laptop on his lap,"I'll show you how to play then." You were still angry and hesitated to answer. Without further ado, Mike placed his laptop on your lap and clicked on the game shortcut.

As you proceeded throughout the game, and with Mike's help, you saw things you didn't during your previous tries. In the end you won, your score nearly as high as Mike's. Upon completion of the game you exclaimed with your hands high in the air,"Yes! Finally!"

Mike took back his laptop and placed it on the coffee table, and he faced you,"I have suggestion." You were still in your victory mood but you asked,"Yeah, what?" From out of nowhere he held up a console,"Let's play it again, hardcore and multi-player." You smirked,"You bet I'll get higher points than you!"

And the rest of the day consisted of you and Mike playing the game-other games were included also-while you complained why Mike had higher points than you. Turns out he got a lot of pointers from other gamers he knew personally.


A/N: whoop-de-do I'm back! Okie imma need some requests to write, coz I'm running out of ideas. And gimme side characters they need love too.

So, stay awesome, and I'll see you in the next one-shot! Ciao!

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