Promise Me Forever (2)

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Requested by @peoplelover212

Reader X Jean


Now, Jean had tried his best to stay by your side. And he had kept his promise. But you weren't sure whether you were able to.

After he came back, you both couldn't hold it back and I believe you readers are thinking that one thing. And it caused you to be pregnant.

It was quite a happy family. Him back, a son, and a child coming soon. But one thing bothered you. A few days after Jean came back, he started having nightmares.

He was tortured in his own mind while asleep, forced to remember his terrible experience at war. Every morning when he woke up crying, you would be there comforting him. He would always repeat,"I couldn't save them." You knew he meant his comrades, and every time you replied,"Whatever happened has happened. Perhaps it was fate."

It wasn't easy trying to get him back to normal. It always seemed like there was no hope for him to accept reality. But you persevered, trying your best to keep your promise to stay by his side forever.

"(Son's name [s/n]) is asleep now." you said, followed by a yawn. Jean was propped on one of his elbows, a tired look on him. He replied,"It's the third time this week. How long are you going to do this? You should at least let me-" but he was interrupted by the raise of your hand,"I'm fine, Jean. You need your sleep." "You're pregn-" "You need your sleep." you insisted, stifling another yawn.

You were 2 months pregnant, and since Jean's nightmares you took the night job-the baby needs to be fed, what else?-so that Jean could get back his sleep. But he worried over you, your health, and the baby.

"Get back to sleep, Jeanbo." "Argh fine..."

He hated being called Jeanbo, and knew you wouldn't stop calling him that if he didn't do what you said. You sometimes liked to tease him, but this time it was for your husband's good.

Months later, Jean's nightmares started to lessen, and the burden on you was lessened as well. He started working again, this time as a gym teacher, given his physical. You were a full-time housewife, I seemed to have failed to mention.

One day while he was finishing up a physical lesson with his teenage students, he received an urgent call. Hanji said,"Your wife as at the hospital." Without thinking he ran out of the gym, out of the doors, to his car, all the while thinking 'Is she fine?'

He drove towards the General Hospital, being it his instinct to go there although he was not told which hospital you were sent to. It was all a blur when he reached, he barely remembered asking at the counter about you. His instinct was correct, you were there, and you were currently in labor.

He waited outside the room, many thoughts running through his head. Your brother came later, but they didn't talk much. It felt like forever for them, for you it was hellish.

When finally the light turned off, and the doctor came out of those doors, Jean immediately asked,"Is she okay?" "Are you her husband?" He nodded. "Congratulations, it's a girl."


A little boy ran around the front yard, creating a story only he can see and only he can hear, while a woman and her husband watched him, a baby in his arms. Out of the blue the woman asked,"Promise me forever you'll stay for our family?" He replied with a smile,"Forever I promise."


A/N: first of all, I'm so sorry it took forever. Second, I was actually pondering whether for a sad ending or a happy ending, but a happy ending triumphed.

Anyway, hope you like it! And I'm here still receiving requests!

Ciao and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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