To Fall in Love (Part 1)

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Reader X Demon!Levi


He stared into space, seated on a high roof with his coat draped over his shoulders. Levi Ackerman lived as a feared being his whole life; cold-hearted and cruel. For centuries he brought terror upon people, but now he felt empty. He no longer felt pleasure in scaring humans. And that brought the world at peace. But he felt none of that.

Everybody knew him as the immortal demon who ruled over them and never allowed them rest. They were grateful when he no longer came.

One day, he decided to walk amongst the humans disguised, with his favourite look and without horns. He retained the permanent scowl and his sharp eyes. Without needing sleep as a demon, it was unusual he had dark lines under his eyes, and so he kept that as well.

After his transformation, he looked as normal as he could get. Except that he was shorter than most. Oh how he hated it, but being short has its advantages; he wouldn't attract that much attention.

Seeing the way people lived without him, smiles everywhere as if there were no worries, he concluded that they hate him so much no matter what. He handled the same hatred time and time again, this was no different.

He found himself in a coffee shop, bustling with people and chatters. Perhaps if he had not chose to rule over them, they would have their happiness since the very beginning.

He was used to his own language, but he knew how to speak different languages of the world. Which was no problem at all. His English was so fluent anyone would believe him an American or an Englishman. And so, he had no trouble reading the menu, except he was a tad too short to read it properly.

"Welcome! What would you like, sir?" the cashier at the counter said, joy clearly in her tone. "Americano." he said, not amused by her cheerful expression."One Americano, may I have your name?" "... Levi." Why that name he had no idea; he never had a name in the first place he started calling himself Levi Ackerman. Talking about names, he noticed the cashier's name tag that read '[y/n]'. "That'll be 4 dollars." He took the cash out of his pocket and slid it over the counter. She gave back the change together with the receipt, smiling so brightly it was almost disgusting to him,"Thank you and have a nice day!" He gave a small nod as he walked over to the other counter.

He received his Americano some minutes later. He only noticed something off when he exited the cafe. A number on the coaster with a note. He shook his head, tempted to just chuckle. He intended to just brush it off as flirting. In the end, he called the number later that night.

"I was wondering when you'll call."

"I had no intention to."

"But you're talking to me."

"Just tell me why you gave your number."

"You're interesting."

"You're unbelievable."

"You have the same name as-"

"As who?"

"Never mind..."

There was a short silence before she talked again,"Anyway, I'm available tomorrow. Care to meet up?" Levi replied,"Depends." "Well, see you in front of the cafe I work at!" The line was cut off before he could say,"I never agreed."


Levi stood in front of the cafe quite early—about mid-afternoon—looking around for the familiar [h/c] mess. Considering she never said what time, he was getting a little impatient. "Sorry for keeping you waiting!"

He looked at where he heard that voice, and saw the young woman jogging up to him, sweat beading her forehead. "Don't you have a sense of time?" Levi asked. She pretended to be hurt, a hand over her heart,"Ouch." Her expression changed from hurt to cheerful in seconds,"So, got any idea where we're going?" "Wow, she just changed from zero to psycho in 3.5 seconds, a new world record." "Don't Pixel reference me, I'm bringing you to the theatre."


Watching Romeo and Juliet wasn't so bad. Scratch that, it was that bad. Levi will never be a fan of romance; or Shakespeare for that matter. But [y/n] kept insisting it was good, even with the tiniest hint of a small tear in her eyes.

He rolled his eyes every time she imitated the lead female.

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name! Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be Capulet."

"Then have my lips the sin that they took."

Levi asked, a frown on his face,"You memorised the lead female script?" "Not only that." she said, and recited a song sang by the character Mercutio.

An old hare hoar,
And an old hare hoar,
Is very good meat in Lent;
But a hare that is hoar
Is too much for a score
When it hard were it be spent.

"Not bad." "I've got more. My only-" "Stop." "Pardon?" she looked at Levi, slightly confused. "I said stop. You're giving me a headache." "And you're giving me a pain in the neck. It's obvious you have no patience." She placed her hands on her hips, pouting.

"Oh shut up. You're the pain in my neck."


Levi looked at his phone after a 'ping' sound. He sat on a tall roof, hugging his robe as the winds were cold.

From: [y/n]

Had fun today! I'm up next week, and I'll bring my friends along!
Monday, 5pm, cafe. How's that?

He typed in his reply before stuffing his phone into his pocket.

To: [y/n]



He waited at the front of the closed cafe, his jacket protecting him. It was getting colder, and the snow wasn't helping at all. He looked up at the grey sky, wondering if the cold would get any worse. He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard the same happy-go-lucky voice. "Levi!" He looked in her direction, and there were a few people with her.



A/N: it was getting long, I decided to split it into two parts. I have plans for this story, and I'll be putting in my best into this. Which means, plot twists and such.

So, anyway! I'm up for requests! And some plot, if you may, or I might go Romeo and Juliet. I have the script here with me. When I checked it for this shot, the pages were that yellow! I had it for a damn long time.

So, ciao and see you in the next one-shot~

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