Wait I Shall

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Reader X Erwin


Call me a loser

But I ain't one

One day I'll win

And I'll prove it someday

That was your promise to Erwin since both of you were young. Ever since you both knew each other at the age of 14, you both will bicker. And always in the end Erwin would win.

A day before you have to move to Italy, you told Erwin those very words. And his reply,

I may not believe you

But I shall wait

No matter where you are

I shall stay

For I'll wait for you

To fulfill those words

And with that, you never saw him after that.

Years later you had just graduated from college, and had no plans. Until you remembered the promise. You smiled to yourself and said,"Maybe I'll see that dummy again. I wonder if he's still there."

You bought tickets to America the very next day. And when you arrived, you had no idea where to start.

"Maybe he's still at his old house." You muttered. As you tried to remember what his address was again, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and faced a tall blond man with blue eyes. He asked,"Excuse me. Do you know where this address is?" He showed a small piece of paper.

You took it and read the address. Your eyes grew wide when you realized that was your old address. You nodded,"Yeah I know where it is. Why?" He scratched the back of his neck,"I was away for college and I just graduated. I decided to come back here to see someone if she's waiting for me."

You chuckled,"How funny. I came here because I promised someone long ago I'll come back." A smile crept to his lips,"[y/n]?" "How do you know my name?" You asked as you gaped at him.

"It's me, Erwin." You merely stared at him,"Erwin! I can't believe it's you!" You hugged him,"I finally got to see you after all these years!"

A blush crept to his cheeks but he shook it off,"I'm glad too." You stepped back and said,"So how do we settle our bet now?" He smirked,"How about a little competition?"

You smirked as well,"And don't you cheat like last time." He protested,"I didn't cheat!" You laughed and replied,"Yes you did! Levi and Hanji can prove that!"

You heard a cough behind you. You turned around and saw a short man with black hair and a taller woman than him with brown hair and glasses. You exclaimed,"Levi! Hanji!"

The brunette immediately hugged you,"I'm so happy you're here, [y/n]! Now we can stop listening to Erwin about his l-" She was cut off by Erwin who pulled her off you and clamped a hand on her mouth.

Levi said,"Come on. Just get in the car." The four of you did. And the rest of the trip Erwin and you 'argued' over so many different things. Which was also the start of your relationship, where Erwin asked you to be his girlfriend.

Although the two of you fight with words, you loved with your actions.

I told you I'll come back

Didn't I?

Now shall we waltz

As we settle our bet


A/N: so what do you guys think about this? Nah, those weren't lyrics but maybe I'll write it as a full song one day.

Continue to request! I'll appreciate it if it's through PM! Ciao~

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