I've Been Waiting

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Reader X Armin


He was rather sleepy when he entered class, yawning every now and then. Armin had spent till one in the morning studying for Chemistry and boy the calculations took a lot out of him.

He sat at his seat, and plopped his head on the table and started sleeping. Luckily he didn't snore, but he did yelp when a certain someone woke him up. "Hey, Armin." a [h/c]-head nudged him.


(A/N: Undertale, anyone?)

"Class is about to start. Did you study late again?"

"Yeah, I did... I just needed to pass Chem, that's all."

She sighed. "You're pushing yourself too much. You got great marks the last test!"

"Yeah, but I need high marks if I want to get into Sina College."



Behold, Armin got 99 over hundred marks. It was only a pop quiz, but he wasn't satisfied. He needed full marks. [y/n] got worried. Although she herself was also planning to enter Sina College, she thought that Armin was trying too hard.

She consulted Eren and Mikasa.

"Well, Armin is really studious. He really wants to get into Sina." Eren huffed, his chin supported by his palm on the table. Mikasa nodded,"We actually thought he would be okay with Rose University but his parents want him in Sina."

[y/n] sighed loudly,"I'm also thinking about Sina..." "But your marks-"

"I'll study hard! For my future, and for Armin!"

The two knew that [y/n] had a longtime crush on Armin, just never really confessed because the previous attempts with other guys failed. She didn't want her relationship to fall.


"Hey, Armin?"


"Gotten your results yet?"

"Yup! I'm sending my application to Sina tomorrow!"

"Oh... Good luck then..."


"Hey, [y/n]!"


"I got into Sina College! I just got the letter!"

"Really? Well, congrats."

"How about you?"

"I got Rose Uni."

"Wait, does that mean you're staying...?"

"Yeah... And you'll have to go to another state... Even Eren and Mikasa are staying. Are you sure you want to go to Sina?"

"Yeah. It's my parent's wishes. It's okay, [y/n]! It won't be long till we meet again!"



[y/n] slumped into the couch, feeling exhausted from the day's classes. It wasn't much, but she wasn't really in the mood to study.

After a year into further studies, the money collected from her part time job was enough for her to rent a room, which was closer to the campus as compared to her own house. Walking distance, really. Ymir and Christa decided to chip in, since they were studying in the same university, although in different courses. All [y/n] had to do was endure their lovey dovey nights, which was no problem at all. She held respect for the LGBT+ community.

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