Decision Made [Sequel to Decisions, Decisions]

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Levi X Reader X Erwin


[y/n] laid on the couch, swiping lazily at her phone as she scrolled through her feed. Once or twice she saw Petra's invitation to her wedding. She was happy for her friend, but the topic of weddings only reminded her of her dilemma with two men who happened to be her coworkers.

[y/n] didn't think she would be involved with office romance, which seemed to be cliched, but it happened and she couldn't think straight.

Neither could the author. Anyway!

She sighed as she sat up, placing her phone on the coffee table then stretching her body. Never stay on the sofa for too long, kids. Don't be a couch potato.

[y/n] stood up, walking towards the kitchen. She needed some hot chocolate.


Petra's wedding was beautiful. They held it at a chapel. And then, the dreaded part came along.

The orange-haired female had her back facing the crowd of women, and she was counting. [y/n] was standing with the guys, since she had no intention of catching any bouquets. She was still upset about her problem. At least to herself she considered it a problem.

Petra threw the bouquet of flowers behind her when her countdown reached three, and the small group had their hands up. Especially Ymir.

Petra turned around in time to see the bouquet landing in someone's hand. And Fate decided to be a little funny that moment. The flowers bounced away when someone couldn't catch it and it was instinctively caught by [y/n] when it nearly hit the ground near her.

"What...?" she muttered, looking at it in confusion. There were claps, and Hanji asking,"So who do you think it'll be?" [y/n] threw the bouquet to someone else and stomped away from the scene. "Of all people to catch it... Why me?"

She stopped underneath a tree, and sat down on a wooden bench that was so conveniently there. The chatter from the crowd wasn't as loud.

"Hey, you dropped this."

[y/n] turned around, seeing Erwin holding the bouquet. She huffed as she looked away,"I did not intend to catch that."

"But you did." Erwin replied, sitting next to [y/n]. He held the flowers up near her face, but she pushed them away. "I don't want it."

He stood up, which [y/n] thought that he would leave. But that wasn't the case. He stepped to in front of her and still held the flowers near her.

"I love you."

[y/n] stood up, both hands up as if surrendering. "I give up."

The thing was, [y/n] had no heart to choose either man. Yeah, she had a crush on Levi once upon a time, then Erwin. But to know that the two had taken a deep liking towards herself, she didn't want to decide.

So her decision was to not accept either man.

That hit both Levi and Erwin hard, and when they asked for a reason [y/n] merely said,"Can I just please focus on my work? The thing with you two actually made writing reports harder, and I need to finish these files before next week. I don't want to mix love with work."


A/N: crapping with you guys coz I'm not inspired to write a proper one-shot. Well, anyway, I have an announcement to make.

I will still receive requests, but I won't be updating until after 29th November. Full info can be found in my random book Nothing To See Here.

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