My Constant Fear

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Reader X Thomas Wagner


He promised, didn't he? That he would stay alive?

Both you and Thomas knew each other the day the 104th legion started. Except it was different than normal friendships. You recognised him as your neighbour, and it was only that day you took up the courage to talk to him.

You both were inseparable after that.

For those three years of training, he was the one you were closest to. Of course you can't help but be fascinated by Eren's story of the Colossal Titan, by Mikasa's amazing strength. But it seemed that no matter what, even if he was that normal and average, Thomas was still the one you would always go to.


You looked over at the couple, Franz and Hannah. You could practically see the hearts around them! You sighed as you nudged Thomas next to you,"Don't you think they're a little too lovey dovey for the military?" He shrugged, a small smile on his lips,"I don't know, but at least they have someone to lean on."

You snorted,"Well, I suppose you're my someone?" "Maybe."

Nac Tius, who sat at your opposite, said,"If you ask me, you both are the lovey dovey couple. I mean, I barely see you two separated!" "That's what childhood friends means." Mylius Zerasmuski commented. Mina Carolina took her last bite of her dinner before saying,"But, [y/n], you said that you only knew him as a neighbour?" "Never been friends till I joined the military." you replied.

You grabbed your tray the moment the bell rang from the outside, and the others followed suit. Your tray was placed at its respective place, and you waved at Thomas as you went your separate ways. You started a conversation with Mina and Hannah as you walked back to the female dorms.

Graduation night

With your hands behind you, you listened to the instructor giving his speech. The top ten were chosen, allowing them a chance to join the MP, or the Military Police who worked in the Interior. You recognised each one of them, from the strong Mikasa to the petite Christa. Honestly you thought Christa was a bit too weak for the top ten, but who knows?

You were opting for the Garrisons, since you preferred to be safe. Thomas hadn't gave you his decision. Not yet.

That same night, the trainees celebrated their graduation. Soon, you saw a few of your friends gather around Eren, and you walked over. You stopped when you heard Eren declare that he will join the Survey Corps. Such a daring bastard, isn't he?

You chuckled,"I respect you, Jaeger. I hope that you will survive so we'll meet again." "Which branch are you going for?" one of them asked you. You smiled,"I was thinking of joining the Garrisons, but with Eren's speech, I think I might join the Survey Corps!"

The night did not rest with words that more trainees might join the branch in which many soldiers had died.

The next morning, you were at HQ, standing on the roof as you looked at the world go on. It was peaceful, until a thunder struck from nowhere, just outside the Wall, and a Titan head appeared. "The Colossal Titan..." you muttered,"Hell will be upon us again..."

The ground shook as the gate at the wall shattered, and the smoke around the Colossal Titan started to dissipate. You quickly ran into the building, with soldiers already given orders and preparing for action.

You found your gear and put it on, and ran towards the courtyard. You saluted as you fell in line. You couldn't remember what was said, but you did remember the chaos as you ran through the streets.

You were in a squad with those you didn't really know much about. How you wished you were with Thomas and the others! But orders were orders.

You managed to kill a few wandering Titans, but half your squad was killed. "We have to get out of here!" you shouted. Unfortunately, your gear was losing gas. You led the way back to HQ to restock on both gas and blades.

But it turned out that a few Titans managed to get in. You found the trainees meant to guard HQ,"Why, why didn't you defend this place!?" "T-There's too many..." You sighed loudly as you leaned onto a bookshelf,"It's useless..."

It wasn't long before you heard a gunshot. You stared in horror as a female trainee screamed at the sight of the one who killed himself. You slid down till you say on the ground, your hands covering your face as you silently wished that they will be safe.

But fate had another thing in mind.

You looked up as the windows broke and other soldiers broke in. But you didn't see Thomas. You didn't had the time to ask when two Titan faces appeared in the wall next to you. You were in shock. You were afraid. You couldn't think till a large fist punched the two heads.

"What the hell!?"

"Guys, that Titan is on our side!"

"A Titan... On our side...?" you muttered, looking at the 15-meter Titan punching the other Titans. You felt someone grab your arm, and you were brought inside.

You remembered sitting on the ground, just as Jean and some others entered holding dusty boxes that belonged to the MP. Muskets, but they seemed useless against those beings.

Trainees crowded around Armin who had a map on the ground as he relayed his plans. It was like a glimmer of hope.

You were part of those who would shoot at the Titans, and a select few used the stairs. You silently wished them luck.

Fear gripped your heart as you held onto the musket, your hands shaking. "Wait..." Marco said. The Titans slowly got nearer, and when one of them was so close you could smell their rotting breath, he shouted.

You shot at the eye, and the Titans stepped back with their hands at their eyes.

The select few jumped from the beams and attacked the nape, but Sasha and Connie were unlucky. It was lucky that Mikasa and Annie managed to take down the two left.

Time passed like it was nothing.

The hole was closed with the help of that Titan, who turned out to be Eren.

During clean-up, you couldn't believe your ears. You were told of the cold truth of the deaths of your closest friends. "Thomas... Died...?" "Yes, Nac, Mylius and Mina too."

Oh my friend, you weren't there to savour humanity's first victory.

Yet you died.

You joined the Survey Corps, awaiting death. Yet you survived, your heart no longer with remorse of those who died. You witnessed so much of the events, you were starting to feel empty. It wasn't long before you were just an empty husk, deprived of most emotions, merely with the goal of killing the Titans.

My constant fear was that I will die, but yet I was not afraid of death. I have lived till now, why is it I won't die?

Thomas, wait for me. I will soon come for you, my friend. When I have my freedom.


A/N: I am not sure whether I should be happy I finally finished writing this, or be sad that it's crap.

Minor characters need their love, anyway! Although they will be sure to die... I'm working on a rather eccentric AU now, and I have a feeling it'll be longer than this one-shot...
And don't be surprised when the cover changes. I'm thinking of changing it into something nicer.

Ciao, and see you in the next one-shot!

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