Punishment Or Reward?

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Male!Reader X Mikasa


"Get your ass going, (male name [m/n])!" Mikasa shouted.

You were in the middle of training with Mikasa when she knocked you over in the training arena. You stood up and readied your fists but she punched on the face. Again.

And once again you fell to the ground. Too tired to even sit up, you laid there not moving. Mikasa stood over you and glared,"[m/n]. Does it require me to force you on your feet?"

You groaned,"Shut up, Mikasa. You're much stronger than me and it's only my second lesson."

She got on one knee and grabbed your hair,"I do not accept excuses. And I will be forced to punish you." And you replied playfully,"And what would the punishment be?" She scowled at your smirk and punched your face,"That punishment is specially for anyone who doesn't follow what I say. Including you."

She then pinched your ear and got you to stand up. She ignored your 'screams of pain' and slapped you. She shouted,"Get your ass up now before you suffer another punch."

You grinned but Mikasa kicked you, causing you to fall again. And the rest of the training was you lagging behind and Mikasa constantly shouting at you.

You grabbed your bag and was about to head out of the gym when Mikasa shouted,"Remember to get your sorry ass here next week!" You turned back and grinned,"And I can't wait for the punishment."

She sighed,"Your punishment will always be a punch in the face and the crotch, [m/n]. So unless you want to stop walking for a week, I suggest you get your ass back to work so you can claim your reward."

You stared at her,"And that would be?" And for once you saw her smirk,"Secret~"


A/N: I had to do Mikasa but I'm that into yuri so yeah. Please request coz its empteh!! And open. And I would appreciate it if it could come with a plot/title. You can request either through comment or PM! Meanwhile, enjoy~


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