Silent Lips

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Mute and deaf!Male!Reader X Isabel Magnolia


Silence. That was all he ever heard. Nothing. Nothing at all. How he wished to be able to hear like other people, but he was never granted a chance. He was an orphan, after all. The underground was his home.

He would sit in the shadows, wondering if he would ever get out of this hellhole. Was there ever a guardian angel that would take him away from this place? Perhaps none, but he did witness things close enough to angels.

The first time he saw a single man whisking through the air, he was fascinated. He almost did not see the machinery that carried the man, he could almost swear that the man possessed wings.

It was then he would wait at the same place. Waiting to see that "angel" again. It took a long time before he saw him again, but this time accompanied by two other people. This time, he made sure to catch their appearances.

The leader had black hair, and was clearly the most experienced among the three. The other male seemed taller, but followed the leader. The third was a girl with red hair. He recognised her. He saw her once, cradling a tiny bird as she ran away from a group of men.

The next chance he saw them, he attempted to follow the trio. It was not easy. How he wished he could hear, so that he could pinpoint their positions every time they flew out of sight. How he wished he could speak, so that he could ask who they were.

He was most fascinated by the girl. She carried a smile everywhere she went, excitement glinting in her bright eyes. How he wished to know her name. But names were useless, for he was never granted one. Names were useless, for he never learnt language. He only knew that he wanted to know her.

He was tired. His legs grew weak day by day. His wrists still showed bones. He looked like a skeleton. Food he salvaged for the past few weeks were definitely unhealthy. Probably rotten. He vomited his last meal, his stomach unable to digest the inedible. He hacked at his stomach, his throat soon burning from the acid mixed with his food. His throat burnt so much he wished for something cool to sooth it. Water, but he had no idea what it was called. He only knew how it looked like.

As he spit out the remaining foul taste from his mouth, he felt something touch his shoulder. He flinched and scooted away from the new presence. He looked up and saw it was the girl he yearned to know.

Her mouth moved, but he heard nothing. He could only look at her in confusion. She seemed to mirror his expression. Her lips moved more, and she attempted to get closer to him. With what energy he had left he moved away, afraid. The only human contact he had were negative.

Her expression changed, almost like that woman who cried as she cradled a lifeless body. He did not know the word for the expression, but he assumed it meant something bad.

She straightened her back and ran towards a flight of stairs, then to the left side. She came back, but she was sticking her tongue out at a man who had his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes seemed to be on fire. It was the one with his hair in a shade unexplainable.

The girl returned to him, and held out something he had not seen in so long. A piece of decent bread. He was hesitant to take it. She grabbed his hand and shoved the bread into his hand. Her lips moved again, forming a single word.

He assumed she allowed him to eat the bread. And so he did. He wolfed down on the bread so quickly, he almost choked on it. He looked up and saw the girl smiling. That smile he became fond of.

She waved as she stepped away, and he mimicked her. He hoped to see her again.

He then stayed at that same spot, because he would always see her exiting the same house with the other two. The shorter male had once looked at him with his nose scrunched up and his eyes narrowed. It seemed like a negative expression.

One day, he saw a man dressed up so smartly he was certain that man was not from this place. Days later, the three left, but not before the girl left him bread. The smile she gave seemed odd. Her lips were curved upwards, but her eyes were teary and downcast.

She left with the other two, following the smartly dressed man.

He waited, and waited, and waited. He had a strong conviction in him that the redheaded girl will return with that smile.

He waited, until he decided to close his eyes. When he never had a voice. When he never heard. It was then he could not feel the coldness of the bare ground. He could not see anything around him.

He did not even feel the light nudge of the girl named Isabel Magnolia.


A/N: This had been written many months ago, but it is still one of my favourites as I chose to pursue angst and this was the result.

I'll see you in the next one-shot! 

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