I Wish To Say "I Love You"

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Male!Reader X Jean


I've met him not long ago. Five days ago, in fact. My sister introduced him to me. That day, we were left just the two of us. It was awkward, I suppose? But I didn't think my feelings would develop so fast.

I'm not the gayest person around. I'm bisexual. Biromantic. I'm okay with both genders. However, I thought I would be with a woman, not a man.

I left for Europe, eventually. I had a degree to chase. I agreed with him to communicate as much as possible; I didn't think I would be talking to him at least once a day, our conversations sometimes lasting till past midnight.

I kept small notes in my phone, wondering if this was merely an attachment or... A liking towards him. I had gotten attached to multiple people in the past; these people who eventually left me alone. I could not trust my own gut anymore. I was worried. Worried that this man would just be like the others.

I feared rejection. Which was why I never confessed. Never confessed until 25 days after meeting him.

I suppose the feeling became too strong for me. Or it was simply because I needed to say it before I lost those feelings.

He never rejected. Never accepted either. He had said, "I'll tell you the next time we meet in real life."

I was impatient for my next trip back home; which was after I got my degree. I said my goodbyes to the friends I made in Europe, and stepped into the airplane that would bring me home.

The turbulence scared me, honestly. I was scared I would never make it home, and I would never know his feelings for me. The dreaded hours passed, and sometime in between I fell asleep.

I woke up to my home greeting me with the sunlight gleaming against its buildings, the sea shining like crystals. I was finally home.

My sister was most impatient to see me. She jumped and hugged me, I nearly could not hold her up. Then I saw him.

I grinned the best I could, though I was tired. He had a small smile.

He came up to me, pulled me away from the others, and whispered with the voice that could make me red.

"I like you as well."

We were hand-in-hand when we left the airport. His warm fingers laced with my cold ones. I could never be more happy.

I cherish this relationship very much. And though we had only started, I wish to say to him one day:

"I love you, Jean."


A/N: short and sweet! Sorry for those who wanted a double date!

Anyway, thank you for your continuous support!

Ciao, and see you in the next one-shot!

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