High Above Clouds

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Reader X Eld

Requested by [once again I couldn't find that one comment. You know who you are. Sorry for the very late update]


Looking out the window, the scenery was plain with only white and blue. Just a bit farther, some green could be seen. Look down, and a shade darker than blue.

The weather was perfect. No thunderstorms to jeopardise the plane trip, and it was not delayed.

Eld stared out the small window before closing it. It was only an hour after the plane took off, and he had time to spare. He drifted to sleep, his dreams overtaken by memories.


[y/n], his younger sister, loved to see photos of other countries. That was what she got in the mail from their parents at any given time. However, their parents travelled often, so they barely got to see them.

Eld would entertain [y/n] with any stories he could come up with the photos their parents took. He would always start with the same three words: High above clouds.

"High above clouds of the floating islands, many dragons ruled the skies with their fiery breaths and their strong wings..."

Oddly, the photo that inspired dragons came from Ireland. And lake monsters were from Scotland. Nevertheless, each story he told would put dear [y/n] to a peaceful sleep. That was how they spent their nights alone.

But Eld was older by eight years. By the time he started working, [y/n] was coping with studies at the art academy. His work required him to travel often, like their parents who had now settled in a small house in the country. She was left with no more stories.

[y/n] started sending pictures to Eld by email, her artworks based on his stories. Attached to each work, was a document with her own story. She stated once that she wanted to write her own storybook for children, and include her own drawings. Eld looked forward to that.


Eld woke up when he heard the message about landing soon. He stretched his limbs as far as his seat would allow him, and groaned since he couldn't do much. He checked his seatbelt, then looked out the window. He smiled, knowing he would see his dear little sister soon. This job had caused him the precious time he could spent with [y/n], and he was thinking about quitting his job and taking up photography. He missed the beautiful photos that came in the mail. Now there were just postcards from distant relatives.

He made sure his belongings were in his bag, and when the seatbelt sign turned off, he stood up from his seat.

With the many people, it took quite a while for him to get his luggage and to head to the arrival area. He checked the time, and as he looked up from his phone he saw a young woman waving both her arms with a big smile on her face.


The moment they were in front of each other, they embraced. Siblings finally reunited, it was bliss. Eld was elated that he finally saw his sister.

[y/n] said,"Come on, we must be quick! I am required at the hotel!" He was confused, and inquired.

"My book launching, silly! It's going to be released today!"

He was grinning, and followed her to her car. She drove as she told of what happened.

"It's been a bit hard looking for a publisher, but one said that my book looked promising! If it gets good sales, I'll have the chance to create another book. And I've been planning that you will be the one to write the stories!"

At the hotel, there were reporters from the local newspaper, representatives, and friends. Eld was surprised to see their parents there as well.

"I invited them. Took a while to convince them out of their comfort zone." [y/n] explained. Eld chuckled.

He was led to seat at the front row by a staff as [y/n] went to somewhere else. Later she emerged again and stood at the podium.

"Thank you all for coming to my book launching. The title of these series of stories is High Above Clouds. Now, what inspired me to write these children stories? My inspiration went a long way back, when I was a little child. My parents travelled a lot then, so my brother took care of me. What I constantly looked forward to were the pictures my parents would send. They weren't postcards. They were taken by an instant camera. But it wasn't just that. My brother told me stories based on those photos. They were like bedtime stories, except they were created by him. He always started with the same words as my title. High Above Clouds. And now, allow me to read the first story, which is for the memory of my brother's beautiful storytelling."


High above clouds of the floating islands, where fairies and dragons lived in harmony, there lived a human. She was a child, a princess. The kingdom she lived in was for her people, away from the dangers of the other world.


A/N: Welp, I hope this is good enough. I went for siblings relationship instead of the usual love of my life. This idea came to me when I was on an airplane, so yeah...

So... I'm back! I'll try my best to update weekly, instead of being inconsistent.

Now what I ask of you guys is a prompt whenever you request! It helps and I won't have to constantly rack my brains!

Anyway, ciao and I'll see you in the next one-shot!

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