The Blue Bear

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Reader X Eren


[y/n] was already in her last year in college, but was childish to the core. Okay, maybe her mentality wasn't that bad, and she was very mature. The only problem that bothered her boyfriend was her room overflowing with plush toys.

Maybe not overflowing, but she loved them. From teddy bears to bunnies, she had them. The biggest was half her size, a brown teddy bear with a red ribbon. The smallest? Eren wasn't sure.


Eren woke up with his arms wrapped around his girlfriend's waist, but she wasn't facing him. She was hugging a small plush sheep. "Hey, [y/n]..." he whispered, getting on his elbow. She hummed, still half asleep.

"[y/n], wake up. You have classes today."

She groaned, facing upwards. "What time is it now?"

Eren looked over to the clock on the wall, then replied, "8:23."

"Dammit... It's at nine..." [y/n] said, getting up. She seemed to stare at the wall before she asked, "Can you help me with breakfast?"

"With pleasure."

As [y/n] got ready for the day, Eren did the cooking in the small kitchen of their apartment.

He was quite absorbed in making the perfect omelette he nearly dropped the pan when [y/n] came up behind him with a kiss to his neck. "Hurry up, for a bit? I don't intend to be late..." she said, her voice still scratchy.

Eren chuckled. "I will. Drink water first."

She did as she was told, and she sat herself at the counter where a plate of omelette was placed in front of her a minute later. "Thanks Eren. You're the best." she said, digging in.

"The best is always for you, my little rabbit." he kissed her cheek as he went back to their shared room.

When [y/n] was done with her breakfast, she grabbed her belongings and went out the door. "Be back after lunch! I promised Mina I'll give her a mini lesson!"

Eren heard the door slam. He smiled to himself as he started commencing his plan.


[y/n] yawned as she reached the door to her apartment. "Man, I missed my afternoon nap..." she muttered to herself as she searched through her bag for her keys. It was troublesome because it was a mess; she can't seem to find her keys! It was definitely somewhere at the bottom, but the amount of items she kept in the same bag made the search harder.

Besides, she had time to wonder if Eren forgot about her birthday. He did not greet her those words in the morning; she was hoping he would say something at least to make her day better. But she recalled back to morning and she remembered nothing about Eren saying Happy Birthday.

"If he actually forgot, he's gonna get a piece of my mind..." she grumbled as she finally took out her keys from the confines of her bag. She angrily jabbed the right key into the keyhole, twisting it — nearly breaking the key.

When she pushed open the door, she heard a pop and confetti rained on her. "Surprise!" Eren said, holding onto a wrapped present. It was only him, so where the hell did the confetti come from?

Oh, Mikasa stood on one side of the door, almost hidden from sight. Armin was there too, grinning.


The brunet stepped forward, "Happy Birthday, [y/n]." His green eyes seemed soft, unlike the hard, edgy fire that rekindled everytime he fought someone. He held his present a little higher, gesturing for [y/n] to take it.

She took it into her arms, and she made guesses on what was inside. Definitely a soft toy to add to her collection. But she did not expect a blue bear when she opened the present.

"This..." She held it underneath its arms, noticing the messy stitches that adorned the sides. "Eren, you sew?" she finally asked.

Eren chuckled as he raised his fingers, "Probably the last thing I'll ever do, but it's worth it."

Back to when the two started dating, [y/n] would lament about her first soft toy: a blue bear her mother made. But somehow, it was lost. She never saw it again. For two years she stopped talking about it, and Eren wondered if she moved on. But that did not stop him from attempting to make one of his own. In addition to that, there was a little extra.

"[y/n], you might want to remove its ribbon." he said, pointing at the blue chequered bow tie. [y/n] stared at the ribbon curiously — especially at Eren's suspicious grinning — and pulled one side of the ribbon until she saw a glint; a ring tied together that was hidden earlier.

"Will you marry me?"


A/N: should I continue!?

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