He Will Eat Anything

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Lumpy, tending to Cuddles' wounds: How would you rate your pain?

Cuddles: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.

Flippy: Nutty was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some.

Nutty: Well, they shouldn't say "all you can eat" if they don't mean it.

Flippy: Nutty, you ate a chair.

Handy: How petty can you get?

Giggles: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.

Lumpy: Welcome, fellow idiots.

Sniffles: Hello, Lumpy.

Lumpy: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot.

Sniffles: You underestimate me.

Flippy: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I'M SORRY]

Splendont: What's that?

Flippy: Remorse code.

Splendont: I'm even angrier now.

Lifty: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I've killed anybody. I'm not an arsonist. I've never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.

Flaky: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.

Splendid: What the fuck is wrong with you?!

Shifty: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'.

Splendid: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

Flippy: Jail is no fun. I'll tell you that much.

Shifty: Oh, you've been?

Flippy: Once. In Monopoly.

Splendid: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.

Flippy: People are always asking me if I'm a morning person or a night person.

Flippy: And I'm just like, 'Buddy! I'm barely even a PERSON!'

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