Do or Die

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Next day Taehyung woke up. A flashback of last night came to his mind. Jin's plump lips tasted so good. He can't keep them out of his mind. He wants to taste them again. He took shower and all the time Jin's lips were in his mind. It never happened to him before, he has kissed many people before but never wanted to taste them again.

He went out of the room thinking that Jin would be making breakfast but to his surprise, he wasn't out. He then decided to check him in his room, he was about to knock but when he heard Jin talking to someone he stopped. He didn't want to listen but he did as he was curious to whom Jin was talking.

After some struggle of putting the words together, he got that Jin was talking with Jungkook's doctor and was making sure that he'll go and see him today. Taehyung started thinking about this but for some reason, he didn't like the idea of Jin going out from home. Hearing Jin's footsteps coming towards the door he takes some steps back and when the door opened he started walking acting like he just came here.

"I'm hungry," taehyung said coldly as he doesn't want Jin to get enough courage to ask for permission.

"hmm ok. What do you want to eat?" Jin asked smiling towards him. Taehyung smiled to himself as he already knows the secret behind this smile.

Jin started cooking breakfast for both of them. He was so fast today and Taehyung was observing all of this. Jin served the food and during breakfast, he tried to talk to Taehyung that he intentionally ignored, and went into the lounge as he knows what Jin will ask for. He doesn't want Jin to leave so early. So he went to his room because he knows that Jin would hesitate in coming to his room.

After washing dishes, Jin came outside but taehyung wasn't in the lounge. Looking around the whole house only one place was left, his room. He looked at the door of his room but doesn't want to go inside. Who knows what that crazy freak will do to him? Thinking all of this he decided to wait until he comes outside and started doing what he daily does.

Jin was done with cleaning and it had been two hours now but taehyung was still in his room. Jin can't wait anymore. What if he didn't come out till evening. Was Jin going to wait till then? No way! He has to see jungkook today. Mustering up courage he knocked on the door and taehyung smirked as his prey finally came to him.

Jin entered the room that wasn't so bright as curtains were half covered. He was scared as he doesn't want to be in a dark place again with him coz he still remembers what taehyung did to him in the dark lounge yesterday.
But he had to ask him to see his hyung so gathering the courage he moved ahead.

"Did something happen?" taehyung asked looking at Jin

"Hmmm....I've something to ask for," Jin said this scratching his head.

"Come here" taehyung patted on the bed and continued, "so that I can hear clearly what you want to say. "

Jin doesn't want to sit with him on his bed but he had to ask for a favor so he had no choice but to listen to him.

"I-Its like g-goin...."

"Stop it! if it's a request to go outside the home then I can't allow you. You'll stay only with me. " taehyung said this looking at his phone ignoring Jin.

"W-Why? I-I have some work outside. Taehyung P-please"

"No Jin, it's in our contract that you can't go outside until I allow you, so here I'm not allowing you"

Jin was looking at him now. How he can act like he has bought Jin. Though it was true. Jin sold himself to him just for money. But It doesn't matter here so he started pleading

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