Hidden Secret

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Jin was finally standing in front of Taehyung's house after passing the phase of 45 minutes in which he had to shift three busses but was glad to reach here safely. He pressed the door code and entered the lounge where a wave of loneliness welcomed him and he pondered even if Taehyung was at home or not but soon his eyes landed over him who was laying on the couch quietly.

Approaching him, he covered his eyes with his slim fingers causing him to startle a bit but after smelling his presence he pulled him into his lap, beaming brightly at him.

"Why it took you so long? You knew I was alone here but still, you couldn't come earlier"

Taehyung said while sadness was dripping from his voice and then Jin looked into his pale eyes and touched his dull face. Drowning into his problems he totally forgot about Taehyung's sufferings and many hidden things he was still unaware of.

He had taken everything on his own so far but he won't let him do this now. He wanted to share his burden and help him through everything. He'll shower him with his pure feelings so that he won't feel unloved again.

"You're looking tired"

"Hmm, I just couldn't sleep last night" Taehyung uttered making Jin feel more down than he already was, how careless he was to sleep soundly while his love was having nightmares. But if he can't share his nights, he'll make his days worthy.

"Let's sleep now"

Taehyung's eyes popped out and he shook his head straight away because he can't waste his time sleeping while Jin was here with him.
"No, it's fine. I just want to talk and spend some quality time with you. This is what I've been waiting for since yesterday "

"Taehyung your health is more important than this, and once you wakeup we can talk, so get some sleep at first"

"But Jin--"

Jin didn't let him finish the sentence and got up from his lap saying,
"I'm going to your room if you want to join then come else your choice"

He laid down while Taehyung followed and settled beside him before burying his face into his nape, feeling alive again after inhaling his delicate fragrance. He nested himself into his embrace by enfolding his lithe waist in his veiny hands and slightly kissed the bruise he gave him yesterday murmuring,

"I'm sorry for this"

"You don't need to feel sad, I know you didn't intend to do this"

Jin replied, softly tucking his hair behind his ear. And it's only he knows how he managed to hide it from Jungkook whose eyes are always fixed on him but it's not new, this is the way he always was, it's just he, who has to keep things away from him now. He was wrapping the blanket over their bodies when Taehyung spoke again,

"Would you leave when I'll be sleeping?"

"No, I won't. So rest carefree"

Jin replied fondling his cheeks and soon his soft touches lulled him to profound sleep. He looked around to find something so that he could pass the plenty of time he had and smiled brightly when he saw his touch phone placing over Taehyung's drawer. He carefully rummaged his hand over it avoiding any motion that could disturb him but finally got it.

Despite having a separate cellphone, he had nothing special inside it, just a few games that Taehyung downloaded so he thought to give them a try and didn't regret when three hours passed like minutes. Putting the phone back, he turned over to face Taehyung, the only person who causes his heart to skip a beat.

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