War of Mine

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"I'm staying here tonight," Taehyung said pulling him inside and locked the door behind.

"N-No, it's impossible"

Jin bluntly refused as he can't even think of letting him sleep here for the whole night where he clearly remember what happened last time when he asked to stay for just a few minutes and they ended up with that impassioned kiss. Here Taehyung chose to go with the second option as he was already mentally prepared that Jin won't get agree over this easily, so tossing the dark aura, he adapted a sweet yet low voice that could melt anyone and spoke,

"But it's been a while we met last time and I can't stay away from you now"

Jin looked at him in utter shock because if this is what he was hearing, then he wanted to laugh hard as he was talking like it's been months but in reality, it was just God damn one day! Now, apart from other things he was curious to know from where Taehyung learned to exaggerate the matters like this.

"Taehyung please, it was just yesterday"

"Don't call it a day when every passing second was feeling like centuries to me. But why you'd care since you've someone who looks after you while I've no one. I just wanted to sleep soundly in your embrace but seems like I asked too much"

That's it! he simpered, pleased with his acting skills as he was sure that by now Jin would've been in a battle against his own self and he wasn't wrong to think this way when he saw him looking at the door, then back at him who was standing there with a ray of hope in his eyes that he can't dare to snatch away.

Hyung is already sleeping so it won't be a problem if he stays here and it's just about one night that will pass quickly, right? Satisfying himself, Jin nodded at him because ever since everything got cleared among them, they haven't slept together and besides this, he was also fancying to cuddle with him though he just needed to make sure that he won't put him in this situation again.

"But I'm telling you, it should be for the first and last time you're going to sleep here"

Not bothering himself to reply Taehyung scooted closer to him, as he wasn't looking forward to lying over his face knowing that it's nothing comparing to what he has planned already, and dangled him in his arms caressing his back.

"Let's lay then huh?"

"Mmm Taehyung please stop saying that you're alone when I'm with you, it hurts me that you still feel like this. Just give me a bit more time then you won't have to ask for such things, I'll willingly give you everything"

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat hearing such loving words as he's not habitual of this but he snuggled against his neck so that his scent could make him feel that it was neither a dream nor an illusion, and he finally had someone who could love him back.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted this way but I got emotional for a moment"

"Just don't say it again"

Jin followed him when he nestled down into the bed first and just like he had thought it was barely spacious for both of them to adjust comfortably but this was good since he won't have to pull him closer when he was already just a few inches away, that he'll close soon.

They were facing each other with Jin's arms draped around his waist who had his rested over his nape while their limbs were entangling making them feel fuzzy, especially when their fiery breath was crossing through each other. It was an ecstatic moment both of them desired to have all the time and were finally cherishing it.

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