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Night was gone and Sun had taken control over the whole Korea, and on the bright day of Seoul, everyone was busy in either earning or learning. All of them were struggling just to achieve something, except two people, who unaware of everything, were sleeping in each other's embrace without any worries. This is when Nature decided to wake them through its own ways and then rays of Sunlight pierced through the glass pane and fell on two bodies that were intertwined together like they're one.

Jin's head was rested on Taehyung's well-toned chest and his legs were wrapped around his whole body while Taehyung's arms were hugging his petite body indicating that this body belongs only to him. Taehyung's brows furrowed because of sunlight falling on his adorable face and he groaned as it had disturbed his peaceful sleep. Peaceful, this word and Taehyung doesn't have any good relations, because this is one of those things that he couldn't get in his whole life.

He had forgotten how to get comforting sleep and it is Jin who made it possible after many years. Yes it is Jin and this is how his attention moved towards him and he smiled seeing his sleeping pose along with the charming face.

Huh Like he thought he could stop me from approaching him through those pillows

After seeing their twisting bodies he came to know about one fact that Jin can't sleep in his own place, he had the habit of shifting in sleep and that's why he was so desperate to place the pillows between them. He then looked around and felt pity for the cushions that were thrown on the floor.

He can't deny the fact that Jin's embrace soothes his nerves. Seeing people cuddle used to make him throw up, as for him the idea of sharing the bed with someone else was disgusting but because of only one person, his views on many things were changing yet he was still unable to realize it. For now, he just knows one thing that he doesn't want this moment to get destroyed so that he can hold him in his arms for a while.

He started caressing his hair lovingly, guess it's his new habit and he enjoys it more than anything as Jin's hair was so glossy and smooth just like a cute puppy. But his soft touches disturbed his sleep and he opened his eyes watching the bright sky and spectacular view of the city.

Taehyung noticed that he had awakened but to his astonishment, he wasn't pushing him away as it was the most expected scene. Jin was so into the beauty that he couldn't see another beauty that was embracing him. He thought of this as a dream, him waking up in a beautiful place seeing the eye-catching view and he knew that Jungkook will come and shook him any time soon

"Did you sleep well? "

Taehyung spoke causing deep wrinkles to lined his face and he looked around perceiving that none of this was a dream and Jungkook will never come to wake him up from this nightmare, yes it became a nightmare since the moment Taehyung set foot in his dream. He then saw his sleeping picture and moved back quickly to get off him but Taehyung hugged him back saying,

"Don't move let's stay like this for a while"

Jin was trying to get free of his tight grip but it was among one of those impossible things that he can't do.

"Why did you come close to me? I set the boundary!"

Taehyung scoffed hearing the accuse and talked back

"Huh really? And how you can be so sure that it was me not you!"

"I can never come near you, not even in dreams"

Jin replied and Taehyung stopped momentarily as hearing him saying this made him feel down. He knows that Jin can never think good of him and of course why he would when he's forced to stay with him? He decided to stay quiet and kept laying there.

        You Owe Me One Night ||  Taejin_kook         Where stories live. Discover now