We All Are Sick

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Despite everything, his attention moved from Taehyung's touches to his lower region when he felt something oozing out of his tip. It was something wet, releasing at a very slow though constant rate without any halt. His wish of passing out disappeared into thin air when he realized he was in big trouble. You might have heard it, until we don't face a bigger problem than current we don't realize it. So that is what happened to him. Taehyung's sucking, touching, licking and everything seemed nothing to him when a new fear made its way to his already frightened heart.

He had no idea that this night can show him something more than what was already happening. And soon his heart was full of many doubts, self-doubts. This is when bundles of questions hit his nerves. Is this my body problem? Am I abnormal? What will I do now? I don't think so this would've happened to anyone else after growing age. How I'll tell someone about this? I even don't have anyone to tell. Who'll listen to this disgusting thing? And even if I tell what will happen to me after people got to know about this? They'll not treat me well.

Why this had to happen to me? Everything was normal, everything was normal just a month before. Why life had to do the worst things to me? I just wanted to live a normal life with hyung. He's not well and now I'm sick as well. Everyone will hate me. It's so cringy.

Thinking all of this a tear left his eye and soon others followed. He started weeping without caring that Taehyung will see him vulnerable once again. And who'll think about others when they're already suffering a lot. While Taehyung was lost in his pleasure yearning for more as he can't get enough of him. But his attention diverted when he noticed that Jin isn't struggling, not at all. Because even after he stopped fighting, Taehyung could hear soft whimpers escaping his mouth.

He looked above assaulting his skin but his eyes wide opened when he found him crying! He stopped his actions abruptly and asked him worriedly

"Jin what happened? Did I hurt you somewhere?"

Bravo, what a brave question to ask after sucking the life out of him Taehyung. No one can be this stupid. Taehyung thought to himself but he was really concern seeing Jin's condition. Though he wanted his longing desire to come true, but not this way.  I shouldn't have done this. Maybe he was not ready for this. He must be alot of hurt. You bastard, he was just out of his trance, couldn't you wait a bit more. Jin was not responding and with every passing second, Taehyung's thoughts were getting awful.

He got up from his laying position, resting his elbow on the mattress for support, and started brushing his stained cheeks.

"Baby If it hurt you should've stopped me huh?"

Saying like you'd have stopped the beast inside you. Taehyung doesn't need anyone for now as his conscience was enough to make him feel bad. Finally, after constant crying Jin broke the silence by non-stop hiccups.

"I-I'm s-so af-afraid tae-taehyung"

Hearing these words caused a sensation in his whole body. Once again he started cursing himself that how could he scared the hell out of him. His thoughts scattered once again when Jin spoke,

"I-I'm si-"

"Baby what do you want to say?  Complete the sentence so that I can understand " he said, his brow furrowing in concern

"S-Sick, I-I'm s-sick Tae-Taehyung"

Saying this he started to howl while Taehyung was dazed at his revelation, anything but this was unexpected. At first, he was at ease that he's not the reason for his wailing but somehow seeing him crying like this didn't leave any pleasant effect on him. He felt himself drowning with him and just wanted to stop all of this somehow.

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