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#trigger warning
Mature Content


Turning his head to the side Taehyung was tapping on the steering wheel, keeping a hawk-eye on the door and waiting for oh-so-problem to exit the home so that he could barge in. To be precise, he was talking about Jungkook who was the only obstacle in his love story, and yeah he was in front of Jin's home.

Nothing was as peaceful as it seemed to be because sadly Jin had chosen a wrong way to mess up with him, after insisting so hard he succeeded in convincing him to have FaceTime since he was missing him too much but guess what?! Barely, after one minute of talk he was hung up on face! Well, Jin should've thought of consequences before overlooking his warning because this time he had no intentions of going easy on him.

After two hours of waiting, his loose patience was running out but luckily prior to any damage Jungkook came out leaving Jin alone at home, though not alone anymore because he was planning to give him a quite entertaining company that he'll remember for the rest of life.

Jungkook just had to vanish from the sight and he ran towards the home after unbuckling the seatbelt hastily and started banging on the door. These loud bangs were just the vivid reflection of his internal chaos that's soon going to be subtle after having sweet fruit.

Meanwhile, hearing the sharp knock at the door Jin pondered who it can be but thinking that Jungkook must've forgotten something he hurried towards the entrance but again, why he would knock when he had the keys?

While he was busy building up the assumptions his hand turned the knob itself and for a second he couldn't breathe properly, don't know because of Taehyung's drop-dead gorgeous beauty or due to the fact that his boyfriend was at the gate where his hyung could come any time soon, he guessed latter one.

"What are you doing here?!"

As of now, Taehyung's just used to this warm welcome and not like he was expecting a hearty hug from his boyfriend, but to his amusement, Jin doesn't even misplace a single word. Won't he be getting sick by throwing the same line over and over? Anyways, brushing it off he stepped inside closing the door behind and replied,

"What do you think?"

"I-I don't know"

"Don't you think you should've known about this when you shut the phone on my face?"

Feeling small under his darkening gaze Jin took a step behind but Taehyung followed him securing one ahead, causing him to stumble backwards and seeing his poker facade, his instincts were shouting that nothing good is going to come to him, so he replied hesitantly.

"Th-That time, I'm sorry I-I had no intentions to do this but y-you know hyu-- mphhh!"

Hyung, hyung, hyung! Taehyung didn't know what he would've actually done if he heard him talking about that asshole again, so grabbing his arm he abruptly pulled him towards himself and smashed his lips over him. Vehement kiss that he shared felt moderately hot against Jin's heated lips which felt as soft as ever, enough to set up a vigorous fire in his popping veins.

Wrapping his arms around his dainty waist, he tenderly cupped his cheeks and in the moment of heat when his hand made its way towards his round ass, a shocking gasp left Jin's mouth since sexually aroused Taehyung wasn't even the last thing he'd like to see in his home, and just to keep slight distance among their smashed bodies, he softly pushed him away saying,

"Y-You can't touch me"

Oh wrong line at wrong time, Taehyung was thinking to discard his idea of getting back on him but no way! Jin just invited his tempting soul into a dangerous game by playing with his screwed nuts and he'll have to take responsibility for his words now.

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