Spell Of Love

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"Taehyung, hyung woke up"

But where had Jin expected a warm hug, Taehyung did quite opposite by roughly throwing him on the bed, and before he could ask for anything, he flipped over him blocking his small figure beneath and buried his daggers inside his neck causing him to gasp at the severe pain. He was shocked since Taehyung never reacted this way before but now after hearing such good news what reason he had? Little did he knew that the news was the reason itself.

Tears filled his eyes when Taehyung brutally tugged his soft flesh in his teeth but he controlled them to fall. Neither he wanted to cry over being forced nor he would think that Taehyung is doing the same to him.  The situation could be identical but his feelings were different, he believes him wholeheartedly and knows that it's the same person who loves him and will never try to harm him.

But despite the trust he had, his body was still going through soreness and he gripped the sheets tightly to stop those whimpers that were threatening to escape from his mouth but when he couldn't take the assault anymore he winced in distress, that was a waste as it couldn't reach Taehyung's ear whose mind was flooded with many thoughts.

When he was thinking of everything to be settled finally, this news broke. Seeing Jin getting used to his touches, kisses, and above all his love, he thought that he'll get used to him soon and will catch feelings for him.

But now, he felt like each thing that he earned the whole time was standing on the verge of a cliff, waiting for the destruction to embrace it. Jungkook, the only person Jin admires and the very man for whom he agreed to lose his virginity, had woke up. If he was ready to go to this extent, would he think a second before leaving him?

A tear left his eye at the thought of him going away. There's no way he could live without him anymore. He had witnessed everyone abandoning him one by one, but can't endure a fresh scar on his soul again. Love indeed makes you weak, because this is what he was feeling right now, paralyzed. In front of his feelings and the person to whom his heart belongs.

By now, his bitter thoughts had taken the shape of the wound he was physically giving to Jin but he'll never let Jungkook take away his gem. This time he won't give up easily and fight for himself. Even if he'll have to stand on his shallow grounds, he will, but not allow Jin to chose Jungkook over him. And here again, what rights he had to do this? As it was only he who was in love.

Yet one thing was decided, if Jin meant to be claimed by someone, it'll be only him. He'll make him his. But how? By forcing sex over him and bind him? And what about the misery that will come along with this? Did he have another choice? Will, he chose his loneliness over this agony? Won't both of them will be torture to him in the end? Was he destined to be left behind with only memories?

Memories and Taehyung had a deep association. Everyone has some good and bad recollections. Bad, that makes them feel gloomy, and good that can light up their mood. But it wasn't the case with him who couldn't even found happiness through those few golden pieces of vivid evocations since he could count them easily on his fingers.

Albeit owning such a small amount of those, it was, yet, difficult for him to maintain a strong grasp on them as the thought of not having more and sufficient would haunt him all and over again. Soon a pool of tears started running out of his eyes thinking about Jin becoming a beautiful memory.

While Jin was still in his tries to hold himself but when he couldn't reside with this dreadful pain anymore, he brought his hand closer to Taehyung's shoulder to push him away slightly but stopped midway when he felt something wet on his neck following the soft sniffles.

His eyes fluttered open realizing that Taehyung was crying?!! He rested his hand over his arm trying to get up to see what happened but was pinned strictly against the bed in response. And finally, Taehyung broke the silence speaking in a quivering voice,

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