Wild Imagination

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Title says it all!


Amid the darkness, Taehyung's doubts had left him raw and shattered with deadening thoughts brimmed in his numb mind, making him feel paralyzed in front of his own love. Love might be a strength for others, but for him, it was the only weakness that could either break or mend his already broken heart.

Love, that held the power to turn a self-centered person into a selfless soul. His desires, his pleasure, his contentment didn't matter anymore, what mattered was Jin, his smile and his decisions. Jin, who had a grip on his every delicate emotion, and now it depended if he keeps these sentiments to himself or cut all connections by stabbing him in the back.

Threatening, this is what their relationship felt all of sudden, scaring him that everything which was gifted to him will be taken at once. Love Journey was like a bed of thorns for him on which he was walking barefooted, hurting from time to time, just not letting himself fall since his failure could bring harm to Jin who was secured in his arms.

Despite suffering through tormenting pain, he was still thinking of him but the question is, does he also think alike? Could he leave everything behind to hold his hands alone... Old insecurities had hugged him tight, refusing to let go and the sole reason behind his distress was Jungkook, whose relationship with Jin doesn't seem as simple as Jin tries to show.

Jungkook's tone and acts speak otherwise, something about him always made him suspicious of the brotherly relationship he declares for Jin. Maybe it wasn't a mere teasing at all and was always more, but could he shove this reality at Jin?

How simple it would have been if he could inform him of his true intentions, but he can't. Seeing how Jin cried last time when they argued over the same thing, he took all frustration on himself instead and it damaged him even more.

Even if his guess regarding Jungkook's feelings might be wrong, he wanted to ask Jin one question, what was about Jungkook that he had always feared? Why he was unable to see that in the process of saving Jungkook from any harm he was hurting him severely, just why?

There was only one thought left, did he deserve all of this just because his body was touched by plenty of people. But why the fact that his soul belonged purely to him wasn't sufficient? Once again, his heart was beating but without an ounce of liveliness, just like a void space, vacant of any emotion. It had been like this throughout his life and this dreadful train of thought just persuaded him to welcome the biggest fear of being alone again.

Meanwhile, walking towards Taehyung's home Jin was mentally preparing himself for the fuss he'd have to face today since his boyfriend had never been a less reactive person. Yesterday, when Jungkook was speaking all of that, at one point he got confused as well, feeling the slightest intensity in his words like he was really desiring to touch him, but this thought was just for a millisecond as everything seemed logical after that.

Jungkook's reaction wasn't exceptional, he was aware of Jin's every growing stage and changing thoughts which never once included sexual pleasure. These terms were introduced to him by Taehyung who Jungkook didn't know about, so if he was being playful to him just for a while then it shouldn't be that much of a big deal.

As soon as he stepped inside the premises of his home, a wave of loneliness rushed through him and he looked around for Taehyung. Entering into the lounge he called for him yet no response came, even at this point he was predicting that he might not be present at home but seeing the closed door of his room he walked forward and peeked inside to find him laying on the bed comfortably, at least this is what it seemed.

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