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[Oh My Goodness! Finally, Imma gonna write this ㅠㅠ. You guys just don't know how much I wanted to update the story but I couldn't because of my exams :-| so I'm not at fault here ㅠㅠ. Anyways enjoy the chapter. Maybe it seems a bit boring to you but I know you guys have the patience to wait for the main event lol]


There was noise everywhere. Loud music was on that had turned on drunk people. All of them were enjoying themselves, some were busy making out with their partners while others were just doing flirt with each other planning for one-night stand.

One-night stand, yes these three words were nothing for Taehyung. But it was before Jin entered his life. Now, these words stand alot for him.
If you'd ask him then he also isn't interested in this shit anymore. Just the idea of him doing these things to someone else but not with Jin makes him feel weird. And the weirdest thing is that he hasn't even touched Jin that way till now so how come he's already uninterested in everyone else.

Taehyung was drinking alot today so that he could forget Jin's face that he encountered before leaving but all in vain. He was feeling so angry but don't know on whom... He should be angry over Jin who didn't listen to him even after the warning but in reality, he was furious over himself to give him pain. He doesn't know why but he doesn't want to harm him anyway. He really doesn't know...

"You're looking furious," Sehun asked looking at tae

"Hmm I also don't know why I'm feeling angry, it wasn't something over which I should get angry" he replied in a feeble voice

"What happened, dude? Is this again because of Jin? "

"Ahhh I guess"

"Taehyung you're thinking alot about him, he should be a toy for you and nothing else. Why bothering yourself then?"

Taehyung couldn't give the answer of this and said,
"Anyways I'm going now"

"Alone? Don't want to pick a chick when you're this frustrated? I know sex is the best escape for you. Let me chose one for yo-"

Sehun was speaking but Taehyung got up interrupting him and said,

"No, I don't need. I just need to go from here"

Though Taehyung doesn't want to go home again and see Jin but part of him wants to be with him. He wants to see his face. He wants to see how innocent one can look. He doesn't know but something isn't right with him. He doesn't want Jin to be in his mind all the time. But his wants were nothing as compared to what he really wanted.

Taehyung reached home by taking a cab as he wasn't in the condition of driving. He opened the door and was going to his own room as he doesn't want to see Jin in this state. No one knows what he can do to him when his mind is already so full of him. But to his bad luck he found Jin lying on the couch where he left him crying.

I need to see him

He moved towards him stumbling and bent on his knees seeing the beautiful scene in front of his eyes. Jin was sleeping there curling himself into a ball. His forehead had a frown on it and his mouth was a bit opened showing his tongue

Maybe he was so hurt

Taehyung reached his hand towards his face and tucked his hair behind his ear giving a full view of his face.

What an angelic face

Then his attention moved towards his lips, which were a weak point for Taehyung like always. Seeing them only two things were in his mind.

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