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"Will you be my angel Jin?"

Taehyung asked but after few minutes when he received no response he leaned forward and found Jin already sleeping. He scoffed at what he just said to him. How could he say this? He needed no one in his life. Longing for someone, it was old Taehyung not him. And besides this how could Jin be his angel when he had someone else in his heart.

After a while, he slept in the same pose as he doesn't want Jin to wake up again.

The next day Jin opened his eyes and found Taehyung's hands gently coiled around his body. He could remove them off him easily but he didn't and kept lying there as he was still afraid. He was facing Taehyung and a few of his shirt's buttons were open so Jin started circling his finger on his exposed chest and started thinking about how he used to do this with Jungkook.

Taehyung felt a soft touch on his skin and opened his eyes. To his surprise, Jin was drawing circles on his body smoothly.

He doesn't let me touch his chest and look at him seducing me in the bed. Taehyung thought to himself and smirked seeing him.

"Baby what are you doing?" he said cupping his face with his hands but Jin simply looked at him with puppy dog eyes without removing his finger and asked in confusion,


He's not the type of seducing someone by lewd acts but then why he's doing this like it's nothing for him.
Taehyung thought to himself once again but decided not to say anything irrelevant to him as he knows how afraid Jin was yesterday so he simply took hold of his hand and said,


Taehyung didn't let go of Jin's hand, his grip wasn't harsh but wasn't that polite either. It was tight enough that Jin doesn't get bothered and can't be free either. His touch was turning him on so he couldn't take risk of him doing this again. His attention was dragged back towards Jin when he heard a growling sound coming from his tummy. He smiled and asked,

"Baby are you hungry?"

Jin nodded slowly as he was embarrassed because of these weird sounds coming from downwards.

"Why didn't you eat anything If you were hungry?"

"I-I just don't want to g-go a-alone outside"

Taehyung sighed looking at Jin's sad face. He wanted to take shower like he does every morning but seeing Jin's condition he thought to take care of it at first. Fixing his clothes he sat and said,

"You wait here and let me bring something for you"

"I-I don't want to be a-alone"

"Ahh I see, It's ok then let's go together"

"I-I don't want to see that place again"

Jin said looking down at his fingers. Taehyung sighed but he can understand that Jin must be really scared because of last night's Incidents, Jin won't let him go and doesn't want to come along, so what he can do now.

"Ok let's order food huh?" Taehyung said looking at Jin who nodded quickly.

"But promise that you'll let me go to bring the delivery"


Taehyung asked Jin what he wants to eat but he said him to order whatever he wants, So he ordered a variety of foods that could eat in the morning. Soon they heard the bell and Taehyung looked at Jin and said,

"You wait here and I'll come back within seconds huh? "

"Come quickly"

This is all Jin said and hearing this Taehyung got up to fetch the food. Never once in his life, he was too quick in opening the door. He gave the credit card to the delivery boy but his machine wasn't working well. Taehyung hadn't enough money to offer him so he had to wait until that boy fixed the problem. Taehyung was getting tensed now thinking that Jin must be waiting for him.

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