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"Baby, please let me watch you pee"

Desperate words rolled out of Taehyung's tongue before he himself could register them and it left both of them shocked and surprised; Jin, because of what the hell he just heard, and Taehyung because of what the fuck he said. It sounded too reckless to his ears as well but where his impure mind was brimmed with sinful images of Jin peeing in front of him, nothing mattered at all.

His breath got rough as he imagined that translucent liquid gushing out of Jin's penis in a thin fast stream and he couldn't suppress the urge of wiggling his cock in his veiny hands. His long fingers gracefully wrapped around Jin's shaft and he started thumbing his soft head delicately.

Jin's body slightly shuddered at the contact and this made Taehyung groan loudly but his erotic sound got muffled in his mouth since his lips were tightly pressed against Jin's.

Catching his lips in between his teeth, Taehyung sucked them vigorously and wondered if he could ever get enough of theirs plushness. He left a trail of tender kisses from Jin's soft cheeks to his ear and reaching the sensitive spot beneath his ear he cupped it sloppily before whispering in a drunken tone,

"Promise baby, won't disturb you. Just let me accompany you"

His hungry husk sent a jolt of electricity into Jin's frozen state and he came out of a daze completely. His mind had gone numb after hearing the gibberish Taehyung was talking about and now he was having difficulty in understanding whether it was he who was taking the whole situation wrong or Taehyung was really expecting him to let him join him in the bathroom.

His palpitating heartbeats sped up even more as Taehyung applied some pressure to his cock and he squirmed in his place because if he wasn't feeling the need of peeing before, he was definitely feeling it now and if Taehyung kept tightening his grip around his delicate shaft he'd end up urinating in his hands. God, he wanted to cry out of embarrassment, someone help him, please!

"Tae-Taehyung, I-I--"

That's all Jin could stutter in the devilish grip of his boyfriend who was spitting shit nonstop. Taehyung's peculiar desire had him dumbstruck and he wondered why he was acting so strange at the moment but whatever his objective was, he was skillfully messing with him by pushing his sensitive buttons right on the spot. His palms get sweaty as Taehyung's fiery breath ghosted over his ears and he spoke,

"Why thinking so hard baby? Not like we haven't done other filthy things together. Just let me touch you in a more dirty way, hm?"

Taehyung had to say that Jin almost freaked out! He wasn't sure if Taehyung was mistaking his pee as cum or what, but it was ridiculous from every perspective!

Oh, how much he wanted to give Taehyung a reminder that his white rich semen wasn't the topic of discussion here but the pale yellowish urine! Yuck, even it sounded too gross! How comes Taehyung was talking about shit so openly? Didn't it weird him out?

And yeah, for a moment he completely forgot that it was Kim-incredible-Taehyung who he was referring to and no shitty excuse could restrain him from expressing his carnal desires.

Also, Jin was super amazed by Taehyung's creative skills and wanted to give him a big round of applause. Means seriously, how comes he always manages to bring up something that Jin declares the most humiliating thing but what happens afterward, surpasses the previous event and makes their own records of filthiness! Like really wow!

And now he just wanted to dig himself six feet under the ground but little did he know that it will be useless as fuck since Taehyung was not gonna leave him alone even there and would gladly accompany him. After all, how could someone leave his lifeline in the dense darkness?

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