Kitten In Lion's Girth

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Jin was about to exit when he remembered about his phone and he ran over to the bedroom to take it but his eyes busted open seeing the notifications as he had 30 missed calls of Taehyung! Since it was silent and he was too tired to check, he couldn't take notice of it. Again going out, he opened the door but before he could step outside Jungkook addressed him from behind speaking,

"You remember what we decided last night, right?"

Jin nodded before leaving and squeezed his eyes shut as he knows Taehyung won't like it a bit but was he left with another choice? No, like always he had to follow. And here his mind drifted back to the discussion they had yesterday.


After Jungkook expressed his emotions, he asked about the job hoping that he'll hear a no because he was regretting leaving this one thing to him, as he could simply find a job so that he won't have to worry about the place. But seeing him claiming, he took heavy breathes as all of his prayers went futile.

"It's a house cleaner job"

"Which house? How many people live there? Was there any guy? Who's the owner?"

"No, there was no one. Actually, I don't know about the resident because his mom hired me so that I could do some cleaning when he's not at home"

"What about salary?"

"Mmm, she said she'll pay me after the end of every week, so I don't know yet. When I'll go there daily maybe then--"

"Wait, wait who said you're going daily? No, it's not happening. I can't let you leave every day. You'll go only 3 days in a week"

"But hyung I won't get decent income if the number of days reduces," Jin said yearning that Jungkook will buy this excuse as he's not ready for another storm waiting for him, but he was too stubborn to deal with sometimes.

"It's fine as it's only you and me and I don't think we need lots of money. For now, we can adjust until I start working"


"Jin, it's final. Tell me if you're getting agree over it or I'll look another work for you"

No! if this happens then his chance to meet Taehyung will bury deep down in the ground, so he instantly shook his head saying,

"No, no if you're saying then I'll talk. I think there will be no issue from her side"

"Good, and what about working hours?"


"I think it's too much"

"Please hyung it's a job. I'm not going to compromise over it, so you'll have to listen to me" Jin said with a sullen expression on his face, and this time Jungkook knew that it was going to happen anyway, So he ruffled his hair saying,

"Ok my cutie, don't be angry"

Flashback Ends

Once again, Jin was standing in front of the very familiar entrance but before he could do anything, the door was pulled from inside revealing the Taehyung with I'm-so-done look, though the expectation was quite opposite as he came earlier today. There comes a question in the deepest voice he has ever heard of him, making him guessed that matter was serious.

"Where do you think you were when I called you for damn 30th time?!"

So this is the problem and here Jin started thinking of each stuff he had done yesterday in an attempt to find the most solid reason that Taehyung will consider but like always his rotten luck wasn't on his side when he decided to went along with the most atrocious excuse that will boil Taehyung's blood within a minute, only if he could know.

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