Mirror Mirror

813 57 45

Settled on the bed, Jin was smiling as a maniac when everything that happened between them kept replaying in his mind just like a romantic film. At first, he was hesitant about facing Jungkook after he stripped himself in front of someone but upon sharing his thoughts to Taehyung, his tensed instincts pacified as he poured him in his lavish love.

Such a luckiest person he was to have him by his side who never complained about anything and always respected his decisions. Albeit Taehyung doesn't voice out his desires, he feels guilty for not giving himself wholly to him and that's the reason he professed his feelings at the moment because he was afraid of him thinking that he doesn't love him back.

But now he had trust over their true love and he knows that one day will come when he can walk towards him barefooted not concerning about any spine in the way. Buzz of the phone brought him back to life and knowing that whose message it can be he gladly checked it out but that polite smile wept off his lips when he read the notification.

Tomorrow is our first date so get ready till afternoon,
I'll pick you up

No, it can't happen, you know it's my day off

Well, seems like I'll have
to abduct you then

You know hyung won't allow me :-/

Baby, it's your problem. So
deal with it alone

Pleash :-(

Sugar, I'm not buying it this time, so
get your pretty ass prepared
before noon.

Sweet sleep, love!

Duh, how considerate of him to send wishes after making me sleepless! Jin huffed, banging his head against the bedpost lightly but got up as he had to put himself out of this situation now and directed towards Jungkook's room, rehearsing the speech in the way that will be necessary to convince him at all costs.

He peer into the room and saw him reading a book like always as he's so fond of studies since the start and when Jungkook sensed someone's eyes on him he found Jin standing in the doorway, so he folded the page and motioned him to come inside.

"Hyuung what were you reading this time?" Jin asked friskily, considering the only weapon that has helped him all the times whenever he needed permission for something.

"Hyung is reading a tale of two persons"

"What about them?" Jin asked curiously and Jungkook summarized the whole story to him in three beautiful lines.

"Who shared their souls and fell deeply in love with each other when tentative circumstances put them together in a case"

Both of them exchanged earnest smiles at the utterance but sadly, with entirely different reasons. Jungkook, because he always thought of their meeting a destiny that had been decided long ago and Jin, because of his uncertain encounter with Taehyung who was obliged to fall in love with him in the chase of lust.

"By the way, why did you come?" Were you missing me?"

"Mmm, Jin was missing hyung a lot" Jin replied hovering over the bed, settling close to him, and then looked into his eyes before completing the sentence "And had something to ask for"

        You Owe Me One Night ||  Taejin_kook         Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt