We All Love Arguing

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Trigger warnings: Mentions of vomit, vv slight homophobia

"What the hell has happened now?" Andy mutters when he sees the scene ahead of him. The familiar car has pulled onto the cold-shoulder and somebody is hunched over beside the road being sick into the grass. Andy pulls up behind them and gets out. "We don't have time for this," he says.

The director looks at him, unimpressed. "Have some sympathy, your guitarist is puking his insides up."

"Leave it to f****y to get car sick."


He rolls his eyes and approaches the young man. "Seriously, are you seven? Get in the car."

"Andy," the director repeats, "it's five minutes, give him a break."

"Give him a break? From what? Being unable to keep his lunch down? It's not my fault."

Remington lifts his head and wipes his mouth. "Sorry," he mumbles. He stands up dizzily and pulls his eyes from the teddy bear that was attached to the fence by Larisa after the accident.

Andy turns to go back to his car, stopping to say, "slow down, will you? You've been going way too fast. Some poor sods were killed here, don't be an idiot."


He points to the bear. "You think someone would just randomly tie a cuddly toy to a fence? Seriously, mate, slow the fuck down." He looks at Remington briefly and the younger thinks he sees sympathy, but then Andy shakes his head and continues back to his car.

The rest of the journey is, thankfully, slower. Remington almost wants to thank Andy for telling the driver to slow down, but then he remembers how much of dick Andy has been to him since they met and decides a thankyou isn't something the man deserves.

The hotel they're booked into is expensive and tasteful and Remington wonders just how rich Andy is, since he clearly is the one paying, considering the rooms are under his name. Remington's room is as big as he expected it to be from seeing the reception of the hotel. He lets himself in with the key-card, closing the door behind himself and sitting on the bed.

The first day on the mountain is largely spent creating the set and explaining the storyline of the video to the band. As expected, it's Andy who's come up with the ideas and Andy who has planned it all.

The band is given outfits and Andy is very stern about them being worn 'as they are, don't go fuckin' around changing shit.' Remington is almost certain that it's aimed at him, and so he arrives on set the following morning for the first day of filming blatantly wearing the wrong thing just to piss him off.

Andy visibly groans in irritation when he sees Remington, saying, "go and change," harshly before turning to say something to the photographer.

"I'm alright, thanks," Remington replies cockily, folding his arms over the red crop top.

"I won't say it again," Andy spits, throwing him an angry glare.

"Good, 'cause I won't change."

"Morning, Remington," greets the drummer. "Pretty top."

Remington smiles. "It is, isn't it? Much better than that boring suit."

"God, tell me about it."

"Fucking change!" Snaps Andy from beside the camera. "Stop encouraging him, CC, jesus christ, it's not fucking dress up as a slut day."

Remington scoffs and returns the glare. "You calling me a slut?"

"So what if I am?"

"It ain't my problem if your wife don't wanna touch your willy anymore."

CC looks away to conceal a smile.

Andy's expression stiffens. "Don't you fucking talk about my wife! Get back to hotel and fucking put on the suit, alright? I'm not having you in my video wearing that."

"Your video? All you're doing is telling people what to do like you're some God. Get a grip of yourself, it's embarrassing."

"Don't talk to me like that!"

"You just called me a slut!"

"Because you are a slut!"

Remington rolls his eyes and clenches his jaw. "There's a difference between wearing what I like and being a slut, use your brain, not that it'd be much help. All that's in there is a big flashing sign with the words 'I'm the most important person in the world'! I'd rather do this video naked than in your boring fucking suit."

"You listen here, mister! This is my band and you're my guitarist! I'm paying for all of this shit so get your act together or you can find your own way home! Who knows, maybe someone else will find you vomiting like a five-year-old at the side of the road!"

"What the hell is in your chest because it sure ain't a fucking heart, is it!"

"Are you two gonna stop flirting sometime soon so we can start recording this, or..." The camera man says, "seriously, we're here for a week, not a year."


The man interrupts Andy with, "I think Remington looks great in what he's wearing. Let him keep it on, it's more interesting than you all wearing suits."

"Oh, fuck you!" Andy yells, sticking his middle fingers up and walking off angrily.

"A bit OTT if you ask me," Remington mumbles, shrugging and sending a smile to CC, who he's become fast friends with.

"Don't take him too seriously," CC tells Remington while they're waiting for Andy to return from wherever he stormed off to. "He doesn't like anyone, specially not people who have their own opinions. Don't let him get to you, honestly."

"Yeah, I kinda guessed that much," Remington says.

"He's just full of himself because he got famous too young. None of it's personal and everyone knows he knows you look good in that top."

"Damn right, I do."

There are two loud claps behind them and Andy is standing there. "Quit the chitter chatter, we've got shit to do!"

Remington rolls his eyes. "Alright, alright, don't get your knickers in a twist."

"And you still haven't changed!"

"No shit Sherlock."

Andy visibly growls and clenches his fist. "Get. Changed."

"No. Thankyou."

"For the last time, get changed! You look like a slut!"

"Better than looking like a twat faced cunt!"

"That's rich coming from you!"

Remington laughs. "Like you know anything about me! You're too busy making everyone kiss up to your arse to know anything about me! And I say thank god for that because so help me, the day you learn shit about me is that day I must've died and gone to hell! Now shut up with your petty whining, let me wear this because you know it looks good and will compliment your suits, and fucking get on with it!"

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