We're All A Little Insane

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Sorry for lack of updates, not found much inspiration for this story lately but I know grapebabe wants an update, so here you go :)

Trigger warning: Mentions of death, brief mention of abuse 

For two hours hours after their argument, Remington sits angrily in the living room with his legs brought up and his arms folded, watching the television and not looking up from the screen when Andy sits beside him.

"Listen," Andy says, then pauses. "I didn't mean to upset you, I just..." He sighs, picks up the T.V remote, turns it off. "I don't want you to get in trouble." 

Remington continues looking at the black screen. "I know," he mumbles. 

"And if I let you try and hide what you've done, you would have gotten in trouble." 

"I know." 

"And I care about you and I don't want to see that happen." 

"I know."

"So will you at least consider my idea?" 

Remington looks at him now. "That I'm insane?" 

"You're not insane. That's not what I said." 

"Plead innocent on reason of insanity, that's what you said." 

"Yes. I know. But that doesn't mean you're insane."

"I don't want to be seen differently," Remington says. "Or be committed. Because, listen, I know I'm literally a criminal and I know that I should be, like, locked up for killing him, but what else was I supposed to do? Sit by and let him ruin what little fucking self respect I have left? I didn't know what to do, Andy. He was so big and he said all these things about hurting me and you and everyone else I know, I didn't know what else to do." He bites his lip. "So I killed him, alright? But does that make me insane? Does that make me fucking insane just for being so scared all I could think of doing was killing the cunt? No. It doesn't. Don't tell me it does." 

Andy isn't looking at him, but his expression is that of deep thought. He doesn't reply straight away, which only makes Remington more on edge. "Hon, look. I know why you did it and frankly, I don't blame you at all. He was a threat to you and you were defending yourself. But all I'm trying to say is that you have no evidence to back up what you're saying about him threatening you, no physical harm to prove to the police that he hurt you, nothing to show that you didn't just decide to murder a fucking innocent man. If you don't have a plan of exactly what you're going to say when they ask, you are going to fucking jail, and you probably aren't getting out. All I'm trying to do is to protect you. That's literally it." 

"It's not your decision to make." 

"No," Andy agrees. "It's not. But if you don't do what I'm telling you, you're gonna end up in serious trouble, and you know that's just the harsh truth. You've committed a crime and, until you can prove it was self defence, they are going to see and treat you as a criminal. The only way you're going to get out of it without serious repercussions is through pleading innocent by reason of insanity. I honestly don't see another way out of it. Besides, it might do you some good to get some proper help by being committed." 

Remington shakes his head, says, "Fuck you," without any anger to back his words up. 

"Just think about it, okay?" 

"And what about the dead builder we've left to rot?" 

"Think about it quickly." 

"I'm just scared, Andy. I don't want him to be dead anymore." He looks at his hands. "I never wanted him to be dead. I just didn't want him near me." 

"I know, hon, I know. I understand. And we'll work it out, okay? You're gonna be just fine." 

"Yeah, sure," Remington mumbles. "Just fine. I'm gonna be just fine." 

"You don't sound convinced." 

"Are you convinced?" 

"About you being fine?" 

Remington nods. 

Andy shrugs. "Nope." 


"Just do what I've said and then at least you've got a good chance of being let off easy."

"Let off easy by being forced into a psych ward and labelled as insane?" 

"What other choice do you have?" 

"I don't know." 

Andy rubs his shoulder. "Look, sweetie, whatever happens, I'll be right behind you. I promise. But I really think if you try and plead innocent another way, it won't go smoothly. This is your best chance." 

"I just killed someone and you're calling me sweetie." 

"Hon, you could try and kill me and I'd still call you sweetie." He takes Remington's hand. "Relax, okay? It's gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine." 

"Easy to say," the younger says. "But thanks. I appreciate your undying support." 

"Well, what can I say? I'm in love with a murderer." 

"Shut up." 

"Gotta admit, it's a little hot." 

"Oh my God, Andrew Biersack, never speak again." 

Andy chuckles. 

"Okay, fight over?" 

"Yes, fight over." 

"And you definitely don't think I'm insane?" 

Andy shakes his head. "Maybe a little."  

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