We All Have Trauma

240 17 10

Trigger warnings: Mentions of death, PTSD, violence, blood, injury

Andy grabs Remington's arm and twists it so the younger can't pull away. "Recycling old insults makes you look like a twat," he patronises, twisting his arm further and smiling sarcastically when Remington whimpers.

"Get off," Remington snaps, attempting to free himself without causing any further pain. He's well aware that moving the wrong way could potentially crack a bone. "Seriously, it fucking hurts."

"That's the point."

The younger whimpers again.

"I won't stop until you get it through your head that what happened last night doesn't mean a thing."

"You're such a huge liar."

Andy twists his arm further. "Now really isn't the time to annoy me."

Remington growls. "Break my arm then, go on. I dare you."

"I will break your arm."

"If you do, I'll tell everyone we fucked."

"Like hell, you will!"

Remington laughs. "Most of your followers follow me, you know? Yeah, I dunno if you noticed, but I'm, like, more popular than you are in the band, so if I post about it, you're fucking dead. So go on, break my arm."

That makes Andy's face stiffen. He hates the idea of someone else in his band being more popular that him. "You're so childish."

"Says the one threatening to break their band member's arm. Take a look at yourself, mate, you ain't any better than I am."

"I'm a million times better than you!"

"How'd you work that one out?"

"Because the moment I kick you from the band, you lose everything. Your source of money, your friends, your shoulder to cry on. You're only famous because of me so start showing me some respect."

"I've seen and sucked your dick, why don't you show me some respect?"

"Because you haven't earned it from me!"

Remington successfully yanks himself free without snapping a bone. He folds his arms. "Oh, but you've earned it from me? By doing what? By fucking me, chucking me, and making it out like I'm the one to blame? You came to me last night, Andy! Don't forget that! You came knocking on my door and you kissed me! I was quite happy calling it a night after fucking a guy from the club! You're the one who made it happen, Andy! You, and you know it! So how about you pull your thick head from your entitled arse and start fucking accepting that fact, because until you do, I don't want to know you!"

"I don't want to know you either!"

"Good!" Shouts Remington, anger clear in his voice.

Andy glares daggers at him. "It is good!"

Needless to say, there was quite a scene on the motorway as soon as the accident occurred. The whole road was blocked by the up-turned car and the lorry which was lying on its side, crushing the bonnet of the brothers' car. Quickly, the road came to a standstill, and people began getting out of their vehicles and rushing to the scene to try and help those in the crash. Remington remembers hearing a woman talking on the phone, asking for an ambulance, that it was urgent and she could see a lot of blood and someone was screaming.

The first victim to emerge from the rubble was the lorry driver, who had a limp and a fractured rib but nothing worse. People were quick to help him, to check for open wounds and wrap coats and blankets around his shoulders. A group tried to move the car so that Remington could crawl out from where he was trapped but the weight of the lorry made it impossible. One man, while they were waiting for the ambulance, managed to reach Remington with a jacket and press it to his shoulder where there was a large wound. The paramedics told them once they arrived that Remington probably would had bled to death if the man hadn't have done that.

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