We All Want To Change The World

167 16 24

Trigger warning: Mentions of depression, death, abuse

"So, Remington," Angelica begins, once the man has settled in her office. "We had our last session over the phone because you were having trouble getting in the car. It's good to see you in person today. Well done for getting yourself here, I understand it can be difficult." 

"Thanks," Remington mumbles.

"How was your journey today?" 

He shrugs. "I mean, I had a fat panic attack, but..." 

"I'm sorry to hear that. Were you driving when that happened?"

"No, uh...no. Andy was driving." 

"Okay. I take it you're spending a lot of time with Andy." 


"It's okay, I'm not going to lecture you. I understand you have a lot of trust in him." 


"It's great you can be so open with him, Remington, however it's important to understand that spending excessive amount of time with one person may lead to co-dependency." 

"I know." 

Angelica flips through their notes. "I've noticed you've been a little closed off recently, is there something going on you haven't mentioned?" 

He shakes his head. 

"It's important you're honest with me." 

"I know. I know. I just..." He shakes his head again and sighs. "It's not even worth saying. It's nothing. It's nothing." 

"Anything that bothers you is worth saying, Remington." 

"No. I know. I know that." He closes his eyes. "I got with someone." 

"Okay. Tell me about that." 

"He, uh, he's called Leo. He's a builder. He was nice." 

"You say he was nice?" 

"Yes. He was." 

"But not anymore?" 

Remington looks at her. "No."

"Okay. What happened?"

"I told him about my brothers and he changed." 

"How did he change?" 

"I don't know. He got mean. He kept, uh, kept threatening to run me over with his car if I didn't leave the band." 

"Wow, okay. Are you still seeing him?" 

"No. No. Not anymore. Andy fixed it." 

"Andy fixed it?" 


"Okay, Remington. You're mentioning Andy a lot recently. I think we should explore that. But first, I need to check Leo didn't cause you any serious harm. Was he physically abusive at all?" 

"No. I mean, he slapped me a few times. But he's gone now." 

"I'm worried you're not giving yourself time to heal after this relationship. It's important to-" 

"There's nothing to heal from, nothing happened," Remington snaps. "I'm fine. Why does everyone keep telling me I'm not fine?"

Angelica clicks the top of her pen. "Alright, let's take a second to calm down. You know, it's completely okay to try and forget about how you're feeling. It's normal. But it doesn't mean it isn't important to discuss and work on how you're feeling, too." 

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