We All Rebound

161 14 22

Trigger warnings: Mentions of suicide/depression

A month passes. Andy and Remington have minimal contact, only talking when it's in regards to the music and the band. The younger is the last to arrive today, and there's a man with him that Andy doesn't recognise. He glances over at them from where he's sat talking to CC, getting up and approaching. 

"Uh, hey," he says in a questionable tone. 

"Hi," the stranger returns cheerfully. 

Andy turns to Remington, who smiles innocently. "You're late." 

"Only by a few minutes." 

"And you've brought...who is this?" 

"Leo," the other cuts in, then offers a hand to shake. 

Andy looks at his hand without taking it. "Last time I checked, there isn't a Leo in my band." 

Leo and Remington exchange glances which Andy view to be those of humour and mockery, so he grabs Remington's arm and pulls him aggressively out of the room and into the corridor. "Get off me," Remington demands, yanking himself free and folding his arms. He glares at Andy, snaps, "What?" 

"You can't bring strangers into the studio! The equipment in here is worth thousands, there's a reason the door is coded."

"He's not a stranger, dickhead." 

"He is to me, and this is my band and my shit, and I don't appreciate you bringing sluts in to potentially steal my shit!" 

"He's not a thief, Andy! He's not gonna go telling everyone the fucking code to the door!" 

"So he knows the code?" 


Andy shakes his head. "Great. I'll be changing that and next time you want to come in, you'll have to use the buzzer."

"Wha-Andy! Come on, don't be dramatic." 

"You breached the privacy and security of the band, so I take away your privileges. Simple as. Now go back in there and tell him to piss off, or I will!" 

"Why are you so pissy?" 

"Because you're acting like a child! Now go!" He points at the door. 

Remington huffs and pulls it open. "Go to hell," he says under his breath. 

The entirety of the day is less that desirable. Both Andy and Remington actively refuse to speak to one another, and whenever Andy looks at Remington, the guitarist sticks his finger up smiles sarcastically. 

Leo is outside with Remington when Andy leaves. As he's walking past, they start making out, so he slows, then stops, then bursts into loud laughter. Startled, the two turn to look at him. "Oh, please, don't stop on my account," he says. "I was hoping for free porn tonight, keep going." 

"What's his problem?" Leo asks. 

"He's mentally deranged." 

"And you were complaining about Shy having a rebound boyfriend." Andy shakes his head. "Pleasure to meet you, Leo. He likes being choked. If you're dominant enough, he might even call you daddy." He looks at Remington, says, "Have a smashing night, baby boy" Then, he sends a smile, turns away, and continues to his car. 

* * * 

Late in the evening, there's an insistent banging at Andy's door, which he answer knowing who it'll be, says, "Shut the hell up, slut," and blocks the doorway. 

Remington barges in despite the obvious attempt to keep him out. "Why have you got to be so rude to everyone?" He asks loudly, slamming the door. "You don't even know Leo, what's the nig deal?" 

"The big deal is that you just tried to die twice, and now you're making out with some loser in my studio!" 

"Get over yourself! That was in the past!"

"You can't seriously tell me it's 'in the past', for Christ's sake! There's nothing wrong with being suicidal but stop lying to yourself about it! You shouldn't even be in a relationship right now." 

"How'd you work that one out?" 

"Because I'm not a fucking idiot. Now get out my house." 

"You've literally reverted back to the cunt you were when we first met, you know that?" 

"I haven't changed, genius, you were just too in love with me to notice." 

"Bull shit! You were being nice to me and now you're being horrible, and for what? Because I'm moving on? You dumped me!"

"Yeah, and thank God I did!" 

Remington shakes his head. "God, you're so cold," he mutters. Then abruptly, "It's fucking hot." 

"Oh no you don't. You're not sexing your way out of this one! Besides, wouldn't want you cheating on blondie Leo, would we?" 

"You're a cunt."

"Go back to your rebound like a good boy." 

"Stop calling him a rebound." 

"Why? You know I'm right." 

"No, I know what this is." He laughs to himself. "No, you're heartbroken. Yeah. You ended things and broke your own heart." 

Andy looks at him like he's crazy, but the look falters. "Just get out," he mumbles. "Go." 


"Remington, I won't ask again. Go." 


Andy opens the door and pushes the younger out forcefully, shoving him away and closing the door. 

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