We All Need Someone

201 16 7

Trigger warnings: Mention of death, depression, cliffhanger for u babes <3

Late in the hotel is when Andy receives a three-word text, while he's sitting in bed on his phone. It consists of the words Let me in. He rolls his eyes at the screen and, getting off the bed, goes to unlock the door, where, sure enough, Remington is waiting. "It's half two," Andy says, though it's clear he's not been asleep anyway - he doesn't sleep well in hotel rooms.

Remington looks at him and, without responding, steps over the threshold, brushing Andy's side as he passes. He sits on the end of the bed.

"You okay?"

Watching the elder close the door and return to his previous place on the bed, he shrugs. His back is to Andy now.

"Can't sleep?" The man asks. "I can never sleep in hotels, it's a fucking curse."

Remington shrugs again.

"Come on, what's wrong?" He crawls towards Remington and kneels behind him, wraps his arms around the boy's shoulders. "And don't be an idiot and say nothing, because you walked up two flights of stairs at half two in the morning just to see me, which I find very flattering."

"Shut up," Remington mumbles. "Thanks for letting me in."

Andy hums. He rests his chin on the younger's head. "Anytime, babe. So, what's the matter?"

"I'm just homesick, I guess."

"Aw, that's a horrible feeling, I'm sorry."

"I was lying on the bed in my room having a fucking meltdown over the most stupid shit, so..."

"It's not stupid if it upsets you," Andy says. "Here, you want some tea or something?"

"No, thanks. I just didn't really feel up to being on my own all night. Sorry about bursting in like this."

Andy kisses the top of his head tenderly. The sort of tender that may lead one to the conclusion of there being some feelings he is yet to speak of. "No, I understand. I'd rather this than for you to get no sleep. Sleep is important."

"Says you not sleeping."

"Don't be mean while I'm being nice. You wanna just sleep here? The bed's big enough."

"Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't offer if I wasn't."

"Thanks." He puts one of his hands over Andy's and sighs. "I'll go get a tee shirt from my room, there's no way anyone's falling asleep in leather pants."

"Don't be stupid, babe, you can have one of my exciting black shirts."

"Oh. Thanks." He sighs again. "I didn't really think I'd miss two graves this much. I mean...they're just lumps of stone stuck in the ground."

"No, they're your brothers and you love them, of course you're gonna miss them. I miss my son, too, I get it. I know it's hard. And specially for you, what with this being your first tour. You know, I'm impressed with how well you've held yourself together."

"Is that a compliment or a dig at my instability?"

Andy chuckles. "No, it's a compliment. Everyone goes a little insane during tour, when I first started I was drinking just to get through how much I missed being at home. You should've seen me, I was such a mess."

"As if you aren't still a mess."

"True, true."

"I don't know, I just feel a little silly about it. You'd think I'd be over missing them by now, and it's not like being here is any different than being there. Wherever I go, they're still fucking dead, aren't they?"

"No, darling, it's not silly. Not at all."

"I like how your voice sounds."

"I get that a lot."

Remington hums. "I'm not surprised. It's very comforting." A pause, then, "Will you come with me to see them after tour?"

"Sure. I'd like that."

"Thanks, Andy."

"You're welcome, darling. I'm glad you came here tonight."

"You are?"



The elder smiles. "Because I was thinking about you."

"You were?" Asks Remington, surprised at his honesty.


"Thinking what about me?"

Again, Andy chuckles. "Nothing like what you're thinking, babe."

"I wasn't thinking that."

"Sure, sure."

"I wasn't."

"Are you enjoying the tour, though?"

"Yeah, of course. It's awesome. The distance is just getting to me a bit, but I'm having fun, I am."

"Good. I'm glad."

"You care more than you'll have people believe, you know that?"

"Oh, shut up," Andy mumbles, unbothered. "Some people make it hard to keep that part of me hidden," he adds.

"Lucky me."

"Mm, you are lucky. Lucky that I haven't kicked you out of here yet. We should go to bed."

"You wouldn't kick me out, you said yourself you're glad I'm here."

"I'm not opposed to changing my mind."

"That won't happen," Remington decides. "I'm exhausted."

"Me too."

"Thanks for this."

Humming, Andy kisses his head again. "Anytime. Shirts are in my suitcase by the door. Help yourself." He releases the boy and slides off the bed and goes into the bathroom, leaving Remington to unzip the suitcase and find a shirt. When he comes out (of the bathroom, not the closet hahahahah), Remington is under the covers. "You find one?" He checks.

"Yep, thanks."

Andy smiles and strips down to the same as Remington; a shirt and boxers, then getting in beside the boy once he's switched off the lights. "Good night," he whispers.

There's a long pause from Remington. Long enough that Andy doesn't expect a response, but then he says quietly, "I'm falling in love with you."

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