We All Have A Safety Net

153 14 18

Trigger warnings: Mentions of self harm, suicide, death, verbal/physical abuse 

Andy isn't sure what to think when, twenty minutes late, Remington turns up to the studio with Leo. He eyes the builder up suspiciously while Remington dumps his coat and goes to talk to the others, frowning in such a way that makes it clear he isn't happy to see him. Leo looks at him, smiles sarcastically, and slinks off to retrieve Remington from where he's having a conversation with Lonny. 

Andy remembers what he said at the restaurant three nights ago about the slap, wonders whether there's something going on beneath the surface. He watches Remington begin to argue before quickly giving in and doing as told, then approaching and, in a split-second decision, putting a hand on Remington's back, between his shoulder blades.

"What's he doing here?" Andy asks, loud enough that Leo can hear. 

Remington looks at him, then at Leo, then steps away from Andy and looks again at Leo. "He wanted to come," he replies. "I said it was fine." 

"He did, huh?" Andy is still frowning. 

"You got an issue with me, mate?" Leo asks. 

Andy ignores the question, instead saying, "As much as I'd love to discuss this, I need Remington to actually play some music with us now." He puts his hand again on his back, pushes him gently towards the door, out the room, and into one which is a completely sound proof . Ushering the younger in, he makes sure the door is closed and none of the microphones are on before saying, and seriously, "Is he hurting you?" 


"Why are you still seeing him after he slapped you and made you cry?" 

"You made me cry and I still see you," Remington responds weakly. 

"Remington, I'm serious. Is something going on? He gives me weird vibes. I don't like it. You look all frightened when he's near you." 

A long silence, then, "I told you the other day. He's just...mean." 

"You shouldn't be with someone who's mean to you." 

"It's not like he's giving me black eyes, Andy, chill out." 

"Chill out? What's going on with you? You said you didn't want to see him again, and now you're bringing him into the studio after I specifically asked you not to."

He isn't annoyed, Remington realises. At least, not at him. 

Noticing the way that he keeps pulling his sleeves further down, Andy takes his left arm and, before he can pull away, rolls the fabric up just past his elbow. The deep gashes that were sewn up are still prominent, but Andy's focus is on a series of shallower but very obvious slices where hand meets wrist. He covers them up again but doesn't release his arm. "Are you okay?" He asks  tenderly. 

Remington doesn't try to free his arm, but looks down. "It's...I'm fine," he mumbles.

"No, baby. Don't do that. Don't lie to me. Did you do this because of him? Does he make you feel so bad that you did this?" 

Nothing, then he closes his eyes. 

Andy knows it's to hide oncoming tears. "When did you do it?" 

A shrug. 

"Are you gonna do it again?" 

Another shrug. 

"Can I give you a hug?" A shrug, then a nod. Andy holds him close, looks towards the door, sighs. "I think you should take a mental health break today," he tells him. "We were gonna spend most of it working on the drum parts, anyway, so you won't be putting us behind." He pulls back and keeps his hands on Remington's shoulders. "But I don't want you to go back to your house," he decides.

Remington looks at him. 

"I know something's going on with Leo and if you go back home, he'll probably be there, and that won't help at all. Go to mine, you have a key. Lock yourself in and get some sleep or something. In the evening, we can talk about this." He takes a thoughtful pause, adds, "But tell me now if you're gonna go and hurt yourself again. If that's the case, I'll leave the others to get on with it and come back with you." 

"Andy, it's fine."

"I don't believe you." He sighs. "Just tell me if this is because of him." 

"Listen, we just got in a fight after the restaurant and he said some stuff, made me upset. But you know how I am, I've cut myself over nothing before-" 

"No. Stop it. Don't defend him. What did he say?" 

Remington shrugs. An avoidance strategy. 

"Remington, what did he say?" 

"He said I need to leave the band and then he threatened to run me down with his car, okay!"

 There's a moment where they're both silent, then the younger sobs and covers his face with his hands. 

Andy wraps him back in his arms. "Fuck, I'm sorry. That's awful." 

"I told him what-what happened to my-to my brothers, and now he keeps saying if I-if I don't do what he wants, he'll drive us off a bridge or run me over or-or run you over." 


"I'm scared." 

"I'll take to him, okay?" 

"No, what if he hurts you?" 

"Hurts me?" 

Remington lifts his head and sniffles. "He wants to put you in hospital. He keeps saying. If I don't leave the band, he'll run you over." He shakes his head. "I'm such an idiot. I just wanted to forget that I love you and now-" 

"No. This isn't your fault. It's okay. We'll sort it out." Andy wipes tears away with his thumbs. "If it helps, I've been trying to forget I love you, too." He kisses Remington's head and hugs him again. 

"I did it last night," Remington says. "The cuts, I mean. After he said he'd run me and then you over if I didn't leave the band." 

"Can I please punch him?" 

"Don't drop to his level, Andy." 

"Okay, but I will talk to him. You stay in here, calm yourself down, then I'll drive you to mine and we can have a cuddle, okay? You look like you need a cuddle." 


"Good. I won't be long." He kisses his head again before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. 

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