We All Need Warmth

164 14 48

Trigger warnings: Mentions of death, suicide, self harm, abuse, depression

Remington is shaking wildly when Andy opens the door and lets him in. Without speaking, the younger bends down to untie his laces, numb fingers making it an impossible task. Andy crouches before him and gently pushes his hands away, untying the laces and loosening the Doc Martens so he can take them off. Remington leaves them in the porch and goes into the living room. There, he sits and tries to warm his hands. 

"What happened?" Andy asks. Then, realising it's a pointless question given the state of the guitarist, says, "Com here, let me warm you up." 

Remington doesn't protests. He lets the man hug him for a long time on the couch, until the shivering has subsided. Then he pulls back and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. "I feel like you're gonna be mad," He admits. 

"Unless you're about to go off on one about my divorce, I doubt it. What's wrong?" 

"You're not just using me for the band, are you?" Remington asks quietly, hesitantly.

Andy raises an eyebrow and then frowns. "Are you kidding? You're the only reason the band is still alive, hon. We were on the edge of our label dropping us before you joined." 


"Why do you ask?" 

"No reason," Remington says quickly. He shakes his head and adds, "Thanks for letting me come over." 

"Of course, anytime." 

"I feel like I'm here too much." 

"Too much for what?" 


"Are you alright? You sounded pretty upset on the phone." 

Shrugging, Remington looks at his lap. "I'm fine. I...Something happened but I'm over it. Sorry for making it into a big thing." 

"You're over it?" Andy asks. "I don't think you are." 

"I just..." 


"I did something stupid and now I wish I hadn't." 

"Okay," he says calmly. "What did you do?" 

Remington shakes his head. "Nothing. It's nothing." 

"You either have to get acting lessons or start telling the bloody truth. What did you do?" 

"I, uh...You remember, uh..." 

"Do I remember..." 

He sighs. "Basically I lied to you and everyone, so..." 

"Okay. What about? If it's something to do with the band, it's fine, honestly. We all mess up from time to time. It's nothing we can't sort out." 

"No, not the band." 

"What is it, then?" 

Remington sighs again. "Remember when I said I hasn't seen Leo since that time in the studio?" 

Andy's face stiffens. "I remember," he answers, anticipating the next sentence before it comes. 

"I have seen him." 

"Okay," the elder says calmly. Then a pause. "What happened? Did he do anything to you? You know, hit you or anything? You have to tell me if he hit you. I won't have him doing that to you." 

"He doesn't want me to see you anymore." 

"I see. And you're listening to him because why?" 

"Because he's fucking scary, Andy!" Remington snaps, before putting his head in his hands. 

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