We All Have Disagreements

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Trigger warnings: Mentions of death, depression

Just as Andy said, the graves are replaced with brand new ones that look exactly the same, if not slightly better. Remington isn't sure what Andy did to get the, so quickly, but is just grateful for his efforts.

For nearly a week, the two don't communicate outside of when it concerns the band. They both want to say something, to smooth things over, but aren't sure really how to do that.

It isn't until Saturday that they cross paths outside of rehearsals. Andy decides it's about time he does something about it, so he walks through the graveyard because if Remington's going to be anywhere, it's there.

"Evening," he greets, hands in his pockets.

Remington looks up at him. "I'm not going to dinner with you," he says bluntly.

Andy sits on the grass. "Mm, wouldn't dream of it."

"Then what do you want?"

"To check you're alright."

Remington scoffs. "And why would you do that? So you can pity me some more? So you can find an excuse to feel better about being such a fucking cunt? I don't want your fucking pity."

"No, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down."

Andy shakes his head. "The fuck is your deal, huh? I do all this shit for you and suddenly you're mad at me? And for what?"

"Exactly, you do all these things that I don't want you to do! I didn't ask you to do anything for me!"

"Have you never had friends before? Because it's fucking normal to do shit for you friends, Remington. It's what friends do!"

"My friends are dead!" He puts his head in his hands. "You literally told me you'd never date me even if you were gay, which I know you are, because you're fucking obvious, but I'm fucking sorry if I'm not exactly stoked to be talking to you."

"I didn't say that."

Remington laughs. "Oh, don't you fucking dare play that game with me! You know damn fucking well what you fucking said! It's so typical! You like being 'friends' with me because you're too much of a fucking cunt to admit that you find me attractive! I ain't scared to admit that I find you attractive! It's a natural human response, Andy! Everyone feels it! And so what if you feel it for a man? So what? What the fuck is the big deal with that? Just fucking stop being a little bitch for one second and admit your feelings because I'm sick of it! I'm sick of your lies!"

"Why are you so convinced I'm lying? Are you just so insecure that you need someone to find you attractive to feel good about yourself?"

"No! No, I'm not fucking insecure! I don't need fuckin validation from you or anyone, Andy, I just can't stand being part of your games because it's fucking pissing me off, alright? So either be honest with me for once, or just leave me alone and stop trying to hide what is obviously there."

"Oh my God, Remington! Get it through your head, I don't find you attractive! I'm not gay!"

"Fine, then go. Because I don't want to be friends with you if you're gonna be like this."

"Be like what? A normal fucking person?"

"A normal person?" Remington scoffs. "The only thing normal about you is that you're divorced."

"Shut up about my divorce! I'm not proud of it!"

"Then why the hell did you marry her? No offense, but you shouldn't marry someone you don't love."

"You could work for Cahms with that logic!" (Lol sorry British reference)

"Just fucking get over it already, then! If you didn't love her why is it such a big deal?"

"Alright then, you just 'fucking get over' your brothers! Just stop thinking about them if it makes you so upset!"

"That isn't the same thing!"

"You're crazy, I swear to God."

Remington gets off the grass and kicks Andy's shin as he passes, growling when Andy grabs his arm and pulls him back. "What?" He snaps.

Andy exhales heavily, like he's either deep in thought or deeply irritated. Then he shakes his head and lets him go. 

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