We All Project Onto Others

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, suicide, self harm

"What's going on with you and Andy?" Asks CC on a Saturday afternoon in the studio, to Remington who's sitting with him while they have lunch. 

The younger looks at him. "What do you mean?" He asks innocently. 

"There's been a weird energy between you two for months. I mean, I know he came out as bisexual, so are you two, like, a thing?" 

"What? Oh. No. Well, there was a thing. It got really messy so he broke it off. I don't know. It's complicated." 

"Well, whatever it is, you've been exchanging sexually charged glances for months." 

Remington clears his throat. 

"This thing. Was it serious, or just a casual thing?" 

"I mean, he said he loved me, so..." 

CC looks over at where the singer is scrolling through something on his phone while eating a sandwich. "Did he really?" He asks, surprised. "And you didn't say it back? That's why be broke it off?" 

"No. I said it first. I think. No, we broke up later, after a lot of shit. It's weird. I wish I knew what he was thinking. He can be so...closed." 

"I get you. Sometimes trying to read him is like trying to read a foreign book backwards." He looks again at Andy. "You don't know why he's been so happy recently, do you? Honestly, as much as I'm glad he's happy, it's a little jarring. I've never seen him not get pissed over someone fucking up." 

"He hasn't told you? His son isn't dead." 

CC's mouth falls open. "You're kidding." 

"No. Juliet faked his death. I don't know why. I don't think she's told him. But he met his son the other day, had dinner with him and Juliet. It went well, apparently. He's been talking about it non-stop." 

"That's wild." 

"It's crazy," Remington says in agreement. "I can't believe he hasn't told you. I thought he'd be shouting it from the rooftops." 

"Ah, well. That man has serious trust issues. But you must already know that." 

"I've never noticed it." 


"Trust issues, how?" 

"You know, not committing himself to new relationships, whether it be friends or more. Not telling anyone shit that's going on. You remember how we found out about his divorce. Through you. He never would have told us, otherwise. He'd probably still have us believe they were married. Same with this. He'll never tell us. You know, in case he decides he hates us later on." 

"Oh. I just assumed he told everyone what he tells me." 

"He tells you a lot, huh?" 

"I mean..." He stabs his fork into the tub of pasta. "Yeah. But then we spend a lot of time together outside of the band, so maybe that's got something to do with it." 

"Maybe. I was meaning to ask, what went on with that Leo guy? He had a go at me and Jinxx last time he was here." 

"Oh. Him. He was, uh...not nice. It's fine now. Andy scared him off."

"Andy scares everyone off." 

* * * 

The same evening, Remington answers the door to a angry looking Andy, stepping aside to let him in and closing the door while asking, "What're you doing here?" 

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