We All Disappoint People

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Sorry it's been a minute since I updated, go check out my new book He Was Dead, I think it's pretty cool :) 

Remington is crying when he returns from therapy, and upon closing the front door, Andy appears from the living room with an upset Lucas, red-faced and sniffling. "Hey, hon," the man says. "Sad day today, huh. Tears all round." 

Remington takes his jacket off and wipes his eyes. "Angelica can be so blunt sometimes," he says. "What's happened?"

Andy looks at his son. "Oh, nothing much. He's just tired. And Juliet left in a rush this morning so I think he'e a little unsettled, been on and off crying all day. Nothing a cuddle and a nap won't fix. Come sit." He adjusts Lucas, who is held by just one arm, since his other is still in a cast. 

"Here, I'll take him for a bit," Remington offers. "Us sad people, we belong together."

Andy smiles, passes him over carefully. "I think he's falling asleep," he says. "Juliet should be back soon. You want anything to drink?"

"No, I don't wanna trouble you." 

Andy laughs out loud and shakes his head. "I'll make tea," he decides. "Don't wanna trouble me. You're funny." 

"Cunt," Remington mumbles, then, "Oh, child present. Shit." 

"He's fine, I keep accidentally swearing in front of him as well. Go sit." 

"Yes, daddy." 

Andy shakes his head again and Lucas lifts his head from Remington's shoulder. "My daddy," he says through fading tears.

"He is your daddy," Remington agrees, smiling at Andy. 

"Daddy's just making some tea. Sit with Remi, okay?" Andy tells the child. "And mummy will be here soon." 

Lucas nods and returns to resting his head against Remington, who carries him into the living room and sits with him in his lap. "What have you done today?" He asks.

Looking up at him and shrugging, Lucas says, "Drawing."

"That sounds fun. What did you draw?"

"Daddy's pictures."

It takes Remington a moment to figure out what he means. "Daddy's tattoos? The pictures on his arms?"

The child nods.

"Can I see?"

Lucas slides off his lap and picks up pieces of paper from the coffee table. He climbs back onto Remington and holds the paper towards him. "Daddy's pictures," he repeats.

On the paper is messy scribbles that are vaguely recognisable as the batman logo, the feather, and a few random black blobs that fill in the gaps between tattoos. "These are awesome," Remington says. "You're very good!"

"Fanks." Lucas points at Remington's arm. "I draw your pictures?"

"I'd love that."

"Okay!" He slides onto the floor again and organises a plane piece of paper and a black felt tip pen on the coffee table, patting the floor beside him. Remington sits cross legged on the carpet and lets Lucas take his arm.

When Andy comes in with two cups of tea, he sits on the couch and says, "We're drawing Remi's tattoos now, I see."

Remington leans back to take the drink, trying not to move his arm too much as to not disturb Lucas' concentrated state. "He's very good."

"I know. Did he show you the ones he did for me?"

"Yep," chimes Lucas, looking up at Andy. "Look, daddy!" He holds up the paper with an accomplished grin.

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