We All Like A Bit O' Meat

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Sorry about the title of the chapter :) 

Trigger warnings: Mentions of death

Andy and Remington go out for dinner after their hug, figuring that they both could do with something nice after the bad days they've had. They walk to the edge of town where there's a restaurant by the river and sit in a window seat.

"Sorry for crying all over you," the younger says, beginning to brighten up now.

Andy shakes his head. "I did the same, so don't worry about it." He picks up the menu. "Get whatever you like," he then says, "I'll pay."

"What, are you sure? I can-"

"Don't be silly, I'm paying."

Remington smiles. "Okay, thanks."

"So...were you in any bands before mine?"

"Yeah, a couple. Me and my brothers were, uh, starting a band when they...y'know. We were just about to release an album."

Andy frowns. "I'm sorry you never got the chance with them."

"Yeah, me too." He sighs. "After they died, I was gonna quit for an office job or something, but I kinda felt shit doing that. Like...it was our childhood dream to be in a band together and giving up music completely would've broken me."

"I think it's really brave of you to pursue that dream without them. I think they'd be really proud of you."

Remington picks the menu up. "If you say shit like that I will start crying again, just to let you know."

"You don't hear that a lot, do you?"

He shrugs. "No one has time for sympathy."

Andy shakes his head. "I have time," he says with a smile,

"Shouldn't you be, like, insulting me or something?"

"Mm, let's give our feud a rest for tonight, alright? I think we could both benefit from a night off."

"Yeah, alright, but don't start flirting. I ain't in the mood for that."

"Whoever said anything about flirting?"

Remington scoffs. "Please, you've been flirting with me non-stop since my audition."

"In your pretty little dreams."

"In your pretty little dreams."

Rolling his eyes, Andy smiles. "What're you having?"

"I'm thinking the steak, you?"

"Me too."

The younger snickers. "So you do like a bit o' meat."

"Are you asking for a slap?"

"Why? Wanna bend me over your lap and-"

Andy clears his throat. "Jesus, and you were saying I have no filter."

Remington grins and shrugs. "Don't be havin' a go at me just 'cause you're vanilla." He looks up and a waiter is standing by the table, ready for their order.

Andy shakes his head and orders two steaks with all the trimmings and a bottle of expensive wine. "Can't take you anywhere," he says, amused.

"Just let me know if you'd rather be here with your wife, I'm sure that could be arranged." He sips his glass of water. "So you two had another fight, I gather."

"All we bloody do now-a-days is fight. I only went back to get my clothes and she went off on one, told me I never said anything worth listening to, that the only reason she married me was because she thought I was hot. Fucking shallow, cunt faced cow. I tell you, sometimes I just want to have fucking sex without knowing an argument is around the corner. You know how difficult it is to fucking get hard when you hate your wife?"

"I actually don't know. I don't have a wife."

"I know that, idiot," the elder says with an eye roll.

"Why don't you just have sex with someone else if you're that desperate? She already did, so what's stopping you?"

Andy sighs. "I don't believe in that stuff. Cheating, I mean. Yeah, we hate eachother and we haven't done shit for months, not properly, but we're still married and I'd have hoped that would have meant something to her."

"Why are you actually, like, the nicest person I know?"

"You must know very few people."

Remington laughs. "That's very true, but seriously, underneath the rude shit and that rather attractive cold face you put on, you're quite soft."

"You just called me attractive."

"Yeah, what're you gonna do about it?"

"You said no flirting."

The younger shrugs, smiles, and thanks the waiter for the wine that's poured for them. "I said you couldn't flirt with me. I ain't ever forbid myself, did I?"

"I see."

"And it's been forever since I had dinner with a hot man who wasn't only in it for what came after." Now, he picks up his wine glass and sips it while looking at Andy through his lashes, which are coated in mascara. "Most nights it's either dinner with my brothers' girlfriends or on my own, so excuse me for enjoying a meal with someone who isn't a walking, talking reminder of them."

"No, I understand. And believe me, I'm just as glad to be sitting here with someone who actually listens to me. Trust me, babe, the feeling's mutual."

Remington's eyebrow raises. "And what feeling is that, babe?"

"We're getting off topic."

"The closet is made of glass," the boy says under his breath, sipping his wine again. He smiles innocently when Andy looks at him in a vaguely unimpressed manner, adding, "thanks for the wine."

Andy brings his glass to his mouth and groans when his phone starts ringing in his pocket. "Bet it's Juliet," he mumbles, swallowing a mouthful of the alcohol and putting the glass down. "Would you look at that, it is Juliet." He holds the phone to his ear and says, "fucking let me have one night off from your nagging," and hangs up.

"You're not gonna hear the end of that," Remington tells him. "I wish you look when you go home because you might never come out again." He circles his finger around the rim of the glass. "Come out of the house, I mean. Not the closet."

"I swear, you keep making closet jokes and I'll lock you in one."


"I wonder what your shirt would look like with wine on it."

"I wonder what your cock would look like with a man on it."

Andy tries to keep a straight face but fails. "You're disgusting."

"You're a cunt, there ain't nothing to be done about it."

The man picks up the wine bottle and tips it slightly. "It would be a shame if that white shirt of yours came into contact with this red wine, wouldn't it?"

Remington hums. "Just you dare try," he taunts, and then, "I'm fucking hungry."

"Have some patience, good food takes time."

"Since when did you know what patience is, mister 'I don't have time for anybody'?"

"I'm not that bad," Andy insists.

"No, and I like fanny."

"I'm getting more and more convinced that you're the one with no filter." 

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