We All Care

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Trigger warnings: Mentions of depression, vv brief mention of death/car accident, brief mention of sex stuff

Sorry for not updating in so long, I got a job that I do not like and also have been working a lot on my vampire novel 

Andy makes sure Remington is taking care of his mental health before letting him come to rehearsal. He tells him to take a couple of weeks to get on top of it and though Remington insists he's fine to rehearse, really he's just grateful that Andy cares.

When he returns to rehearsal, he's greeted with kind smiles and pulled aside by Andy at the end, while the others are packing up. "You feeling better now," Andy asks quietly.

Remington can't help but to smile. "Yep," he says. "Thanks for the spa voucher."

"Good, and you're welcome. Oh, you got the email about the tour, I trust?"


"You didn't?"

"I, uh, forget to check emails."

"Oh, right. Okay. That's fine, I'll tell you, then. You might as well come in." He begins for the door.

Remington follows Andy inside, sitting in the living room and waiting for him to speak.

"I'm sure you're aware we've got tour managers and everything," the man begins. "All signed bands do."

Remington nods.

"And while having a team is really useful and gives us time to focus on the music and not everything else, it also means that we lose a lot of decisions." He crosses his legs, sat in an armchair. "Obviously, because you're new to the band and don't know the songs as well as the others do, we did everything we could to put of playing any live shows until you're confident enough to do so. However..." Andy's sigh makes Remington nervous. "There's only so much we can push it back as touring is our main income and therefore, our team's main income."


"So, to put it bluntly, we have a tour scheduled in three months in Europe and America."


Andy winces at the tone. "I know this isn't something you'll be over the moon about." Remington looks at his hands and Andy talks again. "I'm sorry you've had no say in this."

"Andy, it's fine."

"You don't have to lie."

"No, it's fine. It's good news."

"You don't sound very convincing."

"Andy, I joined the band to play music and tour, why wouldn't it be good news?"

"Because you're struggling enough as it is, and I can't imagine travelling to a new city every night is gonna help," Andy reasons, "not to mention you won't be able to see your brothers, either."

"I'm not incapable, Andy, it'll be fine."

The man sighs again. "Look, I know you're not being honest-"

"Why are you so desperate for me to be not okay with it?"

"I'm not, Remington, I'm just worried."

The younger laughs. "You're worried? Jesus, go back the cunt you were when we met."

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

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