We All Help Hide A Body

135 11 40

@grape this is for you 💕

Hey, I'm  skiing in so updates might be lacking, sorry about that! 

Trigger warnings: death, depression, abuse, don't wanna give spoilers w trigger warnings

Remington returns to his state of melting into bed and not finding the energy to get up, though is pulled from the covers and into the bathroom by Andy every couple of hours, and though he complains, he is of course grateful for the help. 

This time, he says, "I don't think I'm even sad about them anymore." Then a pause, and, "I mean, I'm always sad about them, but I mean...I don't think this is because of them. At least, not mainly because of them." 


"I feel so weird." 

Andy hums, turns the shower on. "You want me to stay with you, or no?" He asks. "And whatever you're feeling is okay." 

"Stay," Remington says. "Thanks." 

"You still staying out of touch with Leo, I trust?" 

"Huh? Oh. Leo. No, yeah." 

"That sounded convincing."

"Sorry, I keep tuning out or something. I don't know. Is it hot yet?" 

Andy puts his hand under the water. "Yeah." On the sink, his phone starts ringing. He picks it up, says, "Hey, Juliet, what's up? Oh, uh, it might not be the best time to be honest with you. No, I'd love to see him, but we've got a bit of a...situation going on over here. Yeah. Yeah, pretty much. Okay. You want me to ask Jinxx? He has a son of his own, he knows what to do. No, they all know. Yeah. Alright, I'll do that. Have a good evening. Yep. Okay, bye." 

"You could've said yes, you know," Remington says once he's hung up. "I don't wanna stand in the way." 

"No, hon, don't be silly. I'm looking after you. Okay, come on. Chop chop." 

Remington huffs and begins undressing. "Don't chop chop me," he mutters. "I'll chop chop your cock." 

"Nice to see your sense of humour hasn't gone anywhere." 

"Who says that was a joke?" 

Andy hums, shakes his head, and, like Remington, undresses. 

"I thought you were gonna call Jinxx." 

"I'll do it later, she doesn't need a babysitter until tomorrow afternoon." 

"Oh. Okay." 

"Sorry I'm being such a pain." 

"Yeah, you are," Andy jokes. "One big pain in the arse." 

"You're a pain in my arse." 

"I'm gonna pretend I don't know what you're getting at." He stands behind Remington in the shower with his chin on the younger's shoulder and hands on his stomach, and sways. "I'm thinking of getting a new tattoo," he says. "You wanna get one too?"

"Yeah, okay," Remington replies, putting his hands over Andy's. "I wanna get something for my brothers. I've been meaning to for months."

"That's a great idea."

"Will you help me design it?"

Andy hums and kisses his shoulder. "Sure, hon. I'd love that."

"What're you gonna get?"

"'Little Batman'."

"For Lucas?"

"For Lucas."

Remington makes a high pitched sound.


"That's so cute. You're so cute."

"Oh, shush."


He hums again.

"I did a bad thing."

"Oh? Like what? Called me cute?"


"What did you do?" Andy asks, mildly alarmed at the seriousness of his voice.

Remington hesitates and then says, "I think I killed a man."

"You did not kill your brothers."

"No, Andy. Not them. Not them."

"Okay..." He turns Remington around to look at him and asks, "Who?"

"I didn't mean to, I swear. But-but he was... He was so scary, and..."

Andy looks into his eyes. "Leo," he decides. "You killed Leo."

Slowly, Remington nods.


"He tracked me down and made me go to his-uh-his house, and I was scared and he kept threatening me. I've seen you hanging about with that Andy guy. I told you, didn't I? I told you. Stay away from him. He's not good. He's a bad man, Remington, a bad man." He holds the stare Andy has started. "I didn't know how to get out because he was so...he was so big, Andy. His arms were fucking the size of my torso."

"I know. I saw him. Then what?"

"Are you gonna tell the police?"

"Me? No. He was abusing you, of course I'm not gonna grass you up for self defense. It was self defense, right?"

Remington neither agrees nor disagrees.


"He was on his phone at the top of the stairs and I was supposed to stay in the bedroom, but I didn't. Andy. I didn't."

"You pushed him down the stairs."

"Yes. I pushed him down the stairs, and he smashed his head on the tiles at the bottom and he... Now he's dead."

"And you left him there?"


"Okay. Shit. Okay. Fuck. "

"What am I gonna do? I killed a man."

"Correction. You protected yourself against a lifetime of abuse and threats. You're innocent."

Remington looks at him intensely.

"But in case they find your fingerprints on him, I'm gonna set his house on fire."


"If there's a fire, they can't find traces of you anywhere. He'll burn, it'll look like any other house fire. Okay?"

A hesitation, then, "Okay."

Andy kisses his head firmly. "If there's anyone else you wanna make disappear, just say."

"I fucking love you."

"Please don't push me down the stairs."

"I would never."

Andy kisses him again. "We're totally fucked. You're a murderer, I'm helping you conceal said murder. We're the definition of a fucked up relationship."

"You said I was innocent."

"You are, but no one else will think so."

"Well then you better burn his house pretty soon."

"Oh, it'll be ashes by the time the sun has set, don't you worry, little darling."

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