We All Redeem Ourselves

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At six o'clock exactly, Juliet is at Andy's door, and with her is a four year old boy with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. Even without the knowledge of what she has hidden from him, Andy would recognise this boy as his own. "Come in," he says. "Thank you for coming. It means a lot." 

"Just saving my career, Andy," Juliet responds, though there's something behind her words that suggest this is important to her, too. She steps into the house with Lucas' hand in hers. "You've made dinner?" 

Andy closes the door behind them and the woman begins taking off her jacket. "Of course. I wasn't sure if he'd already have eaten by now but I put some things in the oven if he hasn't." 

"He hasn't," Juliet confirms. She hangs her coat up and they both look down at the little boy, who's staring at Andy curiously. "Say hi to Andy, Lucas," she encourages. Andy notices the kindness in her voice that he isn't sure he's ever heard from her before. 

Lucas continues looking at the elder. "Hi," he says in a half-whisper. Andy could cry. 

"He's a little shy, he'll warm up to you after a while." 

"It's okay," Andy says. "Come through, please. Dinner should be ready by now, sit down."

"That friend of yours not around today?" 

"Who? Oh, Remington? No, he's gone to the cinema. Why?" 

"No reason." 

Andy hums. He leads them into the kitchen. "Do you want tea or coffee?" 

"Coffee's great, thanks." She picks Lucas up and sits with him on her lap. "You want a drink, sweetheart?" She asks. "I'm sure Andy has some milk or something." 

"I want milkshake," he demands. 

Juliet looks at her ex. "Sorry, he gets bossy when he's hungry." 

"No problem, I think I have chocolate milkshake somewhere." He opens a cupboard. "Ah, here it is. So, how're things going? Any new music?" 

"I've been in and out of studios but things are moving very slowly. I'm not really decided on what I want my next album to sound like yet. What about you?" 

Andy opens the tub of powder and gets a tea spoon. "We were in limbo while we were looking for a new guitarist, but now we've got Remington, things are going great. He's really good for us. Lots of new, fresh ideas for songs and videos and everything." 

"Sounds like you're lucky to have found him." 

"Yes. Absolutely." He pours milk into a glass and stirs it. "Here we are. I don't have any plastic cups so hopefully a glass will do. I might have a straw if that's useful." 

"This is fine," Juliet assures him, taking the drink. "Andy's made you milkshake, sweetheart, here you go. Say thank you to Andy." 

"Who's Andy?" 

"He's mummy's friend." 

Lucas looks at the man again. Andy is collecting plates. "He's very tall." 

"Yes," Juliet laughs. "He is very tall." 


"Be polite, Andy's made dinner for you." 

"It's coming right now," Andy says. "Ketchup?" 

"Yes, perfect." 

Andy puts the plate down before them with a fork and a bottle of ketchup. 

"Say thank you," Juliet encourages. 

"Thank you," Lucas repeats, then looking at Andy, "Mummy never makes nice food." 

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